Pronouncing names/places..

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  • Misty

    Ok.. I have to admitt right now I love to read to my little arrows but I don’t know how to always pronounce the names, places or otherwise in the books. This good from the bible 🙁 and other things. I have found this especially sence starting in history from Sonya. I love the handbook and all that goes with it, but there are times I sound out the name and I think that can’t be right?

    Any suggestions on how to get through this pronouning of names and places?



    PS It’s good to see people posting I thought we all feel asleep for awhile 🙂

    Doug Smith

    There are some nice online tools you can use for pronunciation help.

    For Bible names and places, you can look up the passage on the ESV Bible site. Then just click the listen link near the passage heading. They have audio readings of the entire Bible keyed to whatever you look up.

    For other words, you can look them up at Merriam-Webster’s Online Dictionary. There is a little red speaker icon next to each word that you can click to hear it pronounced.

    I had to jump in here and say thank you, Doug, for sharing these links!


    Doug you are great! Thank you so much I can’t wait to actually say these words correctly and I’ll even keep it a secret from my hubby and he’ll think WOW she’s really come a long way, wonder how she ever got that right! 🙂


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