I can’t get to the SCM home page. I get this warning instead.
This is a spam site that takes content from other people’s sites and makes it look like their own. Then they put ads on it hoping you’ll click so they can make money from the effort of others.
We didn’t like them grabbing our content so we started serving up this warning page instead of our normal content so you would be wise to their deception.
Want to help? Simply remove the financial incentive by ignoring this page and not clicking on any of the ads. Or you can click the little “Ads by Google” link and then click the “please let us know” link on Google’s page to report the abuse. Thanks.”
Yes, same here! I was trying to price out an order, but no such luck today! Hopefully this gets sorted soon, as we all know that it’s certainly not spam!
Everything should be back to normal. We were not hacked or anything like that. One of our configuration files got overwritten incorrectly and caused the error message.
You may have to force the page to reload in your browser before it appears right. Also make sure that you go to http://simplycharlottemason.com/ with nothing else at the end.
Doug, I closed out all my stuff thought it would re-set but it hasn’t. I am actually going to them from the forum page. Then I tried to go directly to the home page. What am I doing wrong?? I get something but it is not in the correct format. 🙂