problem when selecting chapters

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  • JennKS

    Hello! 🙂

    I am very new to the SCM organizer. I entered the first book and clicked on “select chapters” and the whole screen turns black and nothing else happens until I click refresh. Still unable to successfully click on it. Is this a problem with my computer or am I doing something wrong? In case it matters, I am trying to add a MathUSee student text.

    Thank you and Happy Easter! 🙂


    Doug Smith

    Hi Jenn,

    We did an update to the Organizer last week that we hadn’t realized affected selecting chapters in some web browser software. We’ll get it fixed as soon as we can after the weekend.


    Thank you so much! No problem waiting. Thank you for your hard work and quick response. 🙂

    Doug Smith

    It should be working normally now. Please let me know if you have any more problems with it. Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.

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