Printing off Picture Study Portfolio prints

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  • Inky

    Print or Ebook picture study portfolios? I can’t decide.

    I’m attracted by the ebook so that I can print copies for notebooks – but I’ve just tried printing out a sample and it came out much darker and less clear than on the screen.  Admittedly I was printing on regular paper not photo paper – but I was using the best settings.

    I’ve seen that some people on AO email PDFs to Office Depot – but how can I be sure of the quality of the Office Depot’s prints?

    Any advice?



    I don’t know anything about emailing files to be printed at OD but I would think the cost of ink to print those copies would be astronomical.  My library brochure is a two-sided color brochure.  Beautiful and expensive to print.  If you want nice quality prints, I would opt for the print version.  It would be nice to be able to purchase smaller prints for those who do notebooks.

    Doug Smith

    I’ve seen that some people on AO email PDFs to Office Depot – but how can I be sure of the quality of the Office Depot’s prints?

    Much of it depends on the skill of the person operating the equipment so quality can vary greatly. And they will likely be more expensive than our printed sets.


    Is it possible to reduce the printed sets so we have a ‘mini set’ to put in the notebooks? That would be fantastic!



    I agree with HeidiS – that would be wonderful!  And I know Emily is working on more porfolios …. there are so many great artists I that I’d like to see in there…. please keep up this good work!

    Doug Smith

    One of the reasons we haven’t offered smaller prints is because part of the process of picture study is to have your children study the detail of the art. When you get into smaller sizes you lose a lot of the detail. We were astounded at how much we had missed when we first started working with larger prints of the same art that we had previously only seen in 3″ x 5″ cards.

    So for those of you who like and have used small prints, how does that work out practically for you in light of that?


    I wouldn’t give up the big prints at all. THe little ones for us would just be akin to a postcard sent from a tourist spot 🙂 Something to put in the notebook, next to their thoughts or ideas about the big print, or just as an example of the era we are studying in history. Not to replace picture study, I agree with you totally there!



    Yes, my children are too young to notebook picture study just yet but I imagine that when they’re older, it would be really nice to have a copy in their notebooks – more as a keepsake of what they’ve studied. Certainly not a replacement for the big prints.


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