You should see a printer icon from within the ebook pdf file….though I think you can also go to “file” then “print” as well. That’s what I do so I can change my printer settings as needed.
If I am going to only be using the ebook for my reference, sometimes I will adjust the ink settings to a lower quality to save on ink. If I need pages to use with my dd, I print them on a regular setting.
I usually never print a whole book. If I think I need the whole book and that it won’t be easy to read or use on screen, I just get the print version because I think sometimes that is more economical for the type of printer I have—-or close enough to make the book worth it if I want to have printed copy of each page to have and hold. I know shipping and all that has to be factored in, though, so it might not be so close depending on/considering that.
I hope that helps a little. I’ll look forward to what others say because I’m interested in this too.
I have heard of people saving ebooks to a disk and bringing it to Office Max (or somewhere similar) and having them print it out and sometimes even binding it. Does anyone have an idea how much this costs? I bought an ebook a couple weeks ago and haven’t been able to read much of it yet because I hate reading really lengthy things at the computer and we are currently out of ink and paper. So I was just wondering about this other option and it it’s worth it?
I have my printer set to econo mode. I will say that if you have an inkjet printer you are really not saving money in the long run if you are needing to print the book more than once. A laser is the way to do it. I have even considered investing in a spiral binder to do my own to save.
Taking them to Office Max or something is a great idea. I never thought of that.