Printing ‘Daily Plan’ for Student(s)

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  • live2inspire

    This might be a silly question/concern, but I was wondering what others do regarding printing a daily plan for each student each day of study. Initially, I thought everyone just had a general ‘daily subjects to cover’ available for each student to view (similar to the daily planner SCM provides) and each item worked on/completed was marked accordingly in the SCM organizer at end of each day. After reading postings on the forum, it sounds like users are actually printing a copy of the daily plan every day for each student to mark and the parent (or older student) to check off of the SCM organizer.

    In thinking this over, I love the idea of the student having a hard copy in front of them, but am concerned with the possible paper waste and cost of printing. As I said, I am in favor of the daily hard copy, but am wondering what is done with it once it’s marked accordingly in the SCM organizer. If there are other reasons for keeping a daily hard copy, I’d appreciate someone sharing their use of it.

    My thought was to keep a printed copy for each day, with the specific assignments whited out and then placed in a plastic sheet protector. The student could then use a wet erase marker and mark his daily accomplishments for parent to mark in SCM organizer. (Markings are wiped clean for the next week.) Whenever assignments change, a new daily assignment sheet could be printed and the old one replaced from the sheet protector. I hope I’m explaining myself clearly. It’s a thought – a possible alternative to printing daily sheets IF there is truly not a strong need to keep the daily printings on file.

    What are you, organizer users, doing? Your sharing would be much appreciated.

    Make it a great day!

    Rebecca 🙂


    I don’t use hard copies at all. The kids just refer to the computer screen and click off what they’ve done.

    *If* I did use hard copies for the kids, I’d then just throw it away after they checked everything off. Why keep it? All my records are on the SCM Planner. 🙂


    I print off a weekly list and record each day’s assignments on there (including music practice, silent reading, and two boxes for free choices) and they mark them off as they go. To me it is worth the sheet of paper a week for the sake of my sanity.



    Can you print off a weekly list from the CM organizer then as well as include other things on it ~like music practice?


    I don’t know if you can print a weekly list in the organizer or not. I designed my own on my computer and use that.


    Aha – now I understand! Thanks.


    Printing a weekly list is still under discussion; desire for it is certainly there by the CMers 😉

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