I foiund thius company a while back in looking for The Revolutionary Writings of John Adams. They print incredible first hand accounts and primary sources for reading. They even have the first George Washington bio, called “The Life of George Washington”, written within the first 8 yrs. of his death; it was used in American Schools in the past and they sell a student version here, too.
There’s also an interesting Revolution history source by a woman, Mercy Otis Warren (I remember her name from my John Adams book by McCollough, she was a spit-fire), again by someone who was there. She was a Patriot and an anti-Federalist, so you receive that perspective in her writing.
Then there’s a compilation of primary sources in “The American Republic”, from the first 80 years of America, to prior to the Civil War, then there’s “The American Nation” from the Civil War to WWII.
There’s many others, including much about learning about the free market for high schoolers (and we who were educated in the gov’t schools).
There’s also works on European History.
It’s Liberty Fund: