Hi, I’ve used PLL & ILL with my older children. Now I’m wanting to buy the workbook downloads and use it with my younger children. The thing I’m having trouble with is where to start them.
I have 2nd, 4th & 6th grade sons and they all have struggled with reading and writing. The 6th grader is finally picking up books and reading for fun(even some chapter books), but has dyslexia symptoms and sometimes sees things that aren’t there and has to re-read things. The 4th grader is progressing and is able to read some picture books and easy readers. The 2nd grader is still really struggling, but I’m hopeful that he’ll make a lot of headway this year. They all hate writing, but the 6th grader’s is readable. The 4th grader has terrible handwriting, and the 2nd grader could hardly write much of anything this past year. I feel like I need to start over each year with all of them in teaching the correct way to form the letters because they constantly do it wrong!
Sorry for all the details but all that info was to say that, in the past, I have done some of PLL & ILL with the 4th and 6th grader orally because of the writing issue. Now I don’t know where to start in the workbooks because my sixth grader could benefit from actually seeing and writing out some of the lessons in the 2nd and 3rd grade section. “There and Their” for instance, he needs to see and know how to spell them correctly in a sentance. Should I just pick what I think they need from the earlier levels and have them do that before moving on to the upper levels?
I don’t know if I should start the 2nd grader this year or wait another year to see if he can read the lessons and actually write a little better.
I thought I could skip some of the poems to memorize since we memorize Bible verses. I also may skip some of the dictation exercizes, or use them for copywork – possibly even shortening them if needed. These boys need copywork, but I don’t know when to start dictation. I know this is long, but I would appreciate any feedback.