If they have a product that is new, opened, but never used. How much do you feel is still far to pay? Here’s my example. MUS Algebra 1 set-includes, teacher manual, DVD, student book and tests. All new not used but open. Buying new off web site – $85 plus shipping/tax. Used $61 shipped from this buyer. Is this a good deal?
But on a bigger note, how do you decided on a good price when buying new (not used unopened), new (opened but not used), used (various degrees) books?
Is there a common thought like when garage saling? I know that one and am very good at it!
That’s a great price for new MUS materials – especially if the workbook is truly not used. For most used books I don’t want to pay more than half of the retail price, but for some more popular materials I’ll make an exception to that rule, simply because if I don’t, I’m going to have to pay full price and I’d rather save some.
But when you’re purchasing used materials – price is not the only thing to take into account – you should also remember ethics and morality. Don’t purchase unwritten in, but used workbooks for your students. This is a copyrite violation and hurts the wonderful families that produce and distribute great materials that bless many homeschoolers. I read a great article about this, can’t remember where, but it’s always so disappointing to see families being so diligent to teach their children values and yet undermining that teaching by “stealing” the very material they use to teach them. (And I bring it up because I know that some people don’t even realize that it’s illegal and so unknowing do it.)
It is important to note that the illegal part is making a copy of the workbook, either handwritten or photocopied. If, however, you choose to have your children write their answers on a separate sheet of paper (without copying the question, fill-in-the-blank, or math problem), that would not be illegal.
I’m citing from the article Rebekah linked above: “Some parents choose to have students write answers on separate sheets of paper and this is perfectly legal (If, perhaps, unethical?).” I’m not sure I agree that it is unethical because I liken it to having read a textbook and then reselling it. If you do not need to copy the workbook page in order to give an answer, I don’t see much difference. And suppose you used the workbook pages to administer the questions orally, as we did with English for the Thoughtful Child? There was no need for us to write in the book.
It seems to me I recall one publisher giving express permission for homeschoolers to make a photocopy of their student material within the same family (perhaps Considering God’s Creation?) but I’m not sure. I was thrilled to see that….
Interesting that this article questions copying answers onto a separate page for reuse as possibly unethical. All through public school, I remember copying answers from math, LA, and science textbooks unto loose leaf paper ( which my parents purchased) so that the school textbooks could be used year after year with each class. So, would it be ethical that schools get to have students copy unto a separate piece of paper so the textbooks could be used for endless years, but homeschoolers be considered unethical for reselling a math workbook that was never copied or written in so that they can afford the level higher up the next school year? Yes, the publisher of the workbook would lose money this way, but isn’t that the same loss that publishers of school textbooks take by allowing their books to be used by multiple classrooms over multiple years? To me, it’s not whether it is ethically right or wrong, it’s just that it seems acceptable for the school systems to save money by not writing directly into math or LA books that include fill in the answer type questions; yet the article seems to want homeschool parents to feel guilty for doing the same things even though it is legal.
Sorry, that’s OT from the OP, about the question, I would pay 1/2 price for something in average used condition, more or less percentage for better or worse conditions. Something new that I knew I would use, I would pay the same price for opened or unopened up to 80-90% of retail value, especially if shipping was free.
I, too, look at 1/2 price for good used books as acceptable. Then I get soooo excited when I see something we wanted for 25 cents. (Like at the book fair last spring when I found “Snow Treasure” for only 50 cents.)
However, I keep an eye on prices for things that are sometimes hard to find at a good used price, like MUS or Apologia, and then I just keep the lowest price I’ve found in an acceptable condition & the date on a list that I carry with me to used book stores and curriculum fairs. Saving $10-20 on one of those books is better than paying full price new, unless it’s an investment book I’ll use many times over.
I usually look at what others are paying and what exactly comes in the package. I also go to the manufactures website and see what it is new. I also check Amazon and other sites to see what the best price is. Then, I look if the price includes shipping.
If I bought the product new how much will the shipping cost. If the product is including shipping then I am usually getting a better deal. I think the MUS workbook new is $25. I have found it on e-bay for less than $20. It was still in the shrink wrap so I got a very good deal.. I have also bought the teachers manuals and DVD sets for $17-$20 also depending on the shipping. You want to make sure they don’t have any scratches. You also want to take into consideration if you are allergic to pets and need to buy from a pet free home. IF you look at all of those factors and how much they are going for then it should be easier to judge if it is a good price. I have noticed some people will have Buy it now. This is usually a little higher then one will pay (not always) but it is for the person who wants it now and doesn’t want to wait for an auction to end. You can base a too high price on that also.
One year I needed a MUS set right away. I couldn’t find it anywhere. They didn’t even have it in stock at the MUS store. (backorder) So, I would have gladly paid the buy it now price. So, that is what I do to see if it is a good price. Sometimes if I don’t have to pay shipping and $6 less then the amount new then that is what I think is pretty good.
Unless the price new is really good. Say, around $20 or less. If I find a book in the $8-$12 dollars range then sometimes it is better for me to buy new. If it is over $25 dollars I will search. If it is over $40 I will wait till I get a better deal. If I don’t then I rent it from the library and see if it is really worth all the money I plan on spending on it.
This is just my way of saving (spending) my dh hard earned money. 😉 He is on board and I have saved myself quite a bit of money buying used.
I aim for 1/2 price used, maybe 60-70% opened but unused. 70% of $85 would be 59.50, so I would say that $61 shipped is reasonable…assuming it is actually unused. 🙂
Thanks everyone. I was so excited but well dh’s check didn’t make it as far as hoped this week so I had to let this bargan slip by. BUT there will be another one when the time is right! :0)
I love the ideas here on what to pay I am so glad I asked. You women are so savvy.
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