Preschool through High School the CM Way Conference in Jacksonville, FL – Aug. 2-3, 2013

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  • missceegee

    Just a reminder that the conference is next weekend. If interested, sign up via the link on the SCM homepage. I’d love to meet some of you there!


    Hi there!

    My friend and I are registered for the conference. I tried to find the name of the church today so I could google directions, but it is no longer available – there is an error page when I click on the conference link. Could someone please let me know the name and address of the church as soon as possible! I have also emailed the administrators of the website but am trying to cover all bases! Thank you!! 🙂



    The conference and map links work fine for me. However, here is the address. We will meet in the fellowship hall, the one story bldg behind the sanctuary.

    San Jose Baptist Church

    6140 San Jose Blvd.

    Jacksonville, FL 32217


    The link still doesn’t work for me. Not sure why, but thank you so much for the information!

    Doug Smith

    Sorry about that. We accidentally took the page down for a while when turning off registration. You can still see all the details at

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