I’ve loved reading the comments about the conference that took place in Florida! Just wondering if there were any plans to repeat this conference elsewhere- Illinois perhaps? 🙂 Or in the Midwest somewhere? 🙂
Oh, PLEASE come up to Canada! Promise you, the mosquitos are all gone from Ontario by August 🙂 (okay, mostly gone)
LOL, I too, have loved reading about the conference, especially the post by LindseyD on how they were students for a day. What a wonderful, creative approach by Sonya!
I hosted the conference in Jacksonville. If you’re seriously interested, talk to Sonya via e-mail about hosting. Otherwise, know that it was filmed and will be a ails le on DVD in coming months.
We are happy to come present conferences and seminars as we’re invited and able. Here is more information on hosting an SCM event. We try to make it as easy as possible!
Kristina — I could maybe make an Illinois conference if you’re feeling ambitious! I’m in the St Louis area and did talk to the annual conference organizers here about inviting SCM as a speaker/vendor to the Spring 2014 conference… but an all-day or 2-day event would be even better!! I have relatives in the Chicago area (NW suburbs) so if you live around there I could even help at an event because my kids could stay with grandma. Just sayin’…. 😉
I’m in the suburbs area- is that too far for you to travel, sheraz? Anyone else have thoughts on a conference in the Chicago suburbs area? I’m in the western suburbs- near Aurora.