Preparing for coming year or two (Mama)

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education Preparing for coming year or two (Mama)


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  • mrsmccardell

    I would like to take advantage of the next year or two to read ahead/prepare for the material I’d like to use come years 3-5.  For example, I am going to go thru “Teaching the Classics” dvd/book and a Shakespeare story.  I certainly don’t know the whole game plan for those years but I am open to ideas.  Is there anything you would recommend?  Thanks.  Currently we’re finishing up modified year 2 for special needs and year 1.


    I admire your ambition!!! You go Mama!!


    I’m tired of feeling ill-prepared.  I read of all these great ideas and I’m frozen on implementing them because I don’t know what, how, when, etc.  I try to copy the sample schedule from here and AO but still others share tools they are using and I’m just not familiar with them.  I’d like to shed some light into my unknown!  I know I can’t know everything but I’m hoping some seeds will be planted with learning some new things for myself.  Does that make sense?


    Overall I am planning schedules for grades 1 to 6 and then I will read whatever books will be assigned.  These I think are the easier years as I glance ahead to civics and economics and other high school classes it makes me nervous.  I took a page and picked out books first for all subjects.  Then placed them in. I have some stuff that is just extras and other things not listed.  I was trying to attach a sample as a pdf but couldn’t figure out how.  Don’t know if this helps, I think it is such a personal decision how to approach. I am Type A and need things lined out, so I have looks through other peoples ideas and came up with my own.  Good luck.


    MrsMccardell that is how I am completely, but can’t seem to find the time to be able to read and plan ahead. I can appreciate your efforts and determination! 🙂

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