Preference between Mara Pratt's American history stories and Geurber's Story of the 13 Col

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics History Preference between Mara Pratt's American history stories and Geurber's Story of the 13 Col

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  • MamaSnow

    I am planning to cover the Module 5 time period next year and will probably loosely follow the SCM handbook in order to do this. However, I already have both of the above US History spines – Mara Pratt’s American history stories and Geurber’s Story of the 13 Colonies. I would rather use something I already have rather than purchase the new US History Spine that SCM published (although I’m sure it’s lovely too! – just a matter of trying to make the most of my budget.) I have read through fairly significant portions of both of them and personally have found both engaging, and find they read sort of similarly as well. So…I am having a hard time deciding which one to use. Has anyone here used either of these and found that you or your children had a preference for one or the other? And at what ages? I will be using whatever I decide primarily with a 7 year old (although I have two preschoolers as well who may listen in from time to time.)

    Thanks for any feedback!




    We used Pratt’s series and enjoyed it. I think it’s a bit simpler, personally, and would choose it for the younger set.


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