pre K extroverted child wants to go to school!

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    So I was just getting settled into habit training and read alouds and all the cozy aspects of CM for theyounger years…and my daughter who is extremely extroverted tells me today that she would really like to go to school to play with other kids her age!!

    I get her desire…she has 2 siblings that are 2 yrs and 7 mths old so play with them looks a bit different than peers. Also, she is not enrolled in any outside activities purely because of the effort it would be for me…

    I try to have fun things for her to do daily-read aloudsz with me, outside time, some trip outside with all of us, etc


    Do you have any ideas for things I could do at home/activities so she gets some friend interactions?

    Thank you!


    My 4.5dd has asked multiple time to go to school. We are in Florida and VPK is free state wide for everyone, so if your 4 year old isn’t in a school it is “weird”. All of her friends attend our churches vpk program and he didn’t understand why she wasn’t going, she wanted a school shirt just like them. I explained to her that somenofnher friends will be doing homeschool for K just like her! And she was so exited!

    We also talk about the perks of homeschooling like getting to go places and do things that school kids don’t get to do. I am also doing a bible study at church, Saturday night service, and my husband and I are in a parenting class on Tuesday nights. So she gets to go in child care 3 days a week and play with her friends.


    Are there story times are your local library? Play time at your local rec center? An area homeschool group that has regular activities planned throughout the year? Is there a weekly co-op that might interest her?

    I’m lucky because our library and rec center have lots of activities, and we have a very large homeschool group in our area that has book clubs and activities throughout the year. That, combined with our weekly co-op, suits the needs of some of my more outgoing children.


    I have a 4.5 ds who constantly asks to go to school. We also are in Florida which does cause problems with the VPK pressure, everyone thinks that I’m terrible for not sending him to school and make my ds feel bad about it. They always point out that it is “free” and “they learn so much there,” like they couldn’t possibly learn at home. Even a repairman asked my son, not me, why he wasn’t in school which caused more questions from ds. As a result, I’ve made a concerted effort to find families in the neighborhood with kids his age to play with when they get home from school. I make sure to take him to at least two places a week like the playground, library, store, Panera’s every Friday to see the church ladies, grandma’s house and other places when the other kids are “at school” to show him the things he can do that they can’t. We have even started playing alphabet and word games for five or ten minutes in the mornings and number games for the same amount of time in the afternoon so that he feels like he is “doing school.”


    What about something simple – invite others into your home?


    Thank you for all the great ideas…I have done some outdoor activities inconsistently in between pregnancies/newborns/COLD MN winters!! I think I have to sit down and schedule in some of your awesome ideas so she consistently has time with other kiddos…thank you all for all the ideas….now for the implementation!


    God bless you all for helping me sort this out.


    For awhile I had a music class/playgroup for families in my home. We sang songs with actions or activities for 10-15 minutes then had some playtime. The other moms liked the music aspect, I liked that I put in a little prep work but got a playdate without having to actually drive anywhere :). You could easily do play-dates with or without a planned activity.
    My son also goes to a co-op preschool on Friday mornings while I teach music classes to the older age groups. He is excited for next year when he will go to the “big kid” classes.
    Sometimes we invite a neighbor friend over and have an activity planned…things like melting ice cubes with things hidden inside, reading a book, or making and flying kites. Again, I liked this because I didn’t have to drive anywhere and it was free.

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