Praying over house

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  • 2flowerboys

    Hello All,

    We are really struggling here at home. My oldest (8)is having a hard time going to sleep because he is having crazy feelings before drifting off. We have talked and shared ways to focus on other things. We have prayed for him on these nights. We have got him to pray. We have done all sorts of remedies…go to bed early (maybe he is just exhausted) get lots of exercise during the day to be good and tired etc.. We have been spending time with him(that is his Love Language) He said it feels he is dying, lost a breath, or falling. We have all felt the falling before I am sure. It is not a good feeling..however I don’t think he is asleep when he feels this way. He has always struggled with sleep.(even as a baby)But just when he is a good routine of sleeping for a while then something happens where he cannot. Nothing new is happening in our family. It just comes out of the blue where he has problems. And he can be very OCD about it.  We usually work through them but these past few…long, I might add, nights are different. Along with him, my 6 yr old got up with nightmares last night. And then I too had nightmares when I WAS sleeping. I am talking terrible nightmares and strange happenings in the room. We have scripture in the boys room. And in our room too. Many verses.

    I don’t know if I am crazy or what. But I need advice on praying over the house. I know I could just say something in Jesus’ name and it will be done. I am just so tired, I am not thinking clearly. And something is going on in our home. Have any of you experienced this?

    Right now, I am playing praise music. I feel so oppressed for some reason. Maybe I am just so tired and DE pressed! I covet your prayers! Thank you!


    I am so sorry you are dealing with this! I have to say about 2 years ago my then 6 year old daughter was doing similar things. She never claimed to have nightmares but just would not sleep. I mean she stayed all night twice….not going to bed at all! She had no reasoning behind why, she just kept saying she was scared. Not of anything like noises and such, just scared in general. She got up and went to the bathroom like 20 times. She laid in bed and just cried.  We tried everything…, falling asleep with movie, no drinks after 6, exercising before bed. It got to the point where no one was sleeping. I lost my temper several times and spanked her out of frustration, repented and then felt there was no where to go from there. After my mother, whom she tells everything too, having a long talk with her she also claimed to see a “dark figure” in a certain spot in her room. At that point I realized this was not about my child, it was spiritual. This was my family’s first experience with anything like this. We did two things…..we attend a baptist church that does practice annointing with oil so the following Sunday we brought her forward and our pastor, deacons and her father and I all prayed over her. We felt at the time that Satan was trying to get to my husband and I through our daughter. It was causing great divide in our family and that was making him happy. That night we also went from room to room praying. Ending in hers we just prayed and recognized that God is all powerful and that Satan had no place in our home. We prayed that God would send his peace to us. We prayed in Jesus name for Satan to get out of our home and that he has no authority there. It wasn’t overnight but slowly things got better. She started getting to sleep just fine. We did switch her bedroom with the schoolroom too. We also posted Bible verses as you did. Now she has to have it pitch dark and quiet to get to sleep….I never thought we’d get there. Hang in there….Satan is trying to attack but you have to show him who’s boss! Because he know his ultimate end he just tries to wear us down. But God is all powerful and has given us the tools to defeat Satan! I will be praying for your family because I know how difficult it is.


    Praise the Lord that you know right where to run in times of distress. You know fear is not of God and you know that you have authority over the devil. I am encouraged for your son because you are teaching him this. He will remember your steadfastness and unrelenting offense against Satan on his behalf and it will become a part of who he is as he grows into a man of God.

    We too, had need of prayer over our property. We invited the men of the church and they paced the whole 18 acres crying out to God to cleanse all that had gone on before. We also included a time of praise, because we were so thankful that God is our very ready help in time of trouble and we thanked him that he was wanting to grow our faith through this trial. I will pray for you!




    Hey there!  I’m sorry you’re going through this- it’s no fun!  We’ve been there too. 

    Have you ever read “The Power of a Praying Parent” by Stormi O’Martian?  She has a chapter in there all about praying through your home.  

    One thing we did was teach our daughter Psalm 4:8 “I will both lie down and sleep in peace for you, alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety.”  She recites it to herself when she’s having a hard time.  

    Also, has your child make a confession of faith (been saved)?  If not, this may be a good time to explain again how when we have salvation, we have the power of the Holy Spirit and that He enables us to put on the full armor of God (read that whole thing to him).  I know that when I was 8, those thoughts were keeping me awake, and that’s when my dad helped me see that I needed a redeemer, and is when I prayed the prayer of salvation.  It didn’t change all at once, like others have said.  But when we know the tools to use, and are empowered to use them (by the Holy Spirit), life changes :o) 

    Blessings to you, and keep up the good fight.  You’re doing well, just keep after it.  

    “Father in Heaven, guard this family as they work through this difficult time together.  Allow Dad to take authority in his home.  Allow Mom to follow his lead, and show this precious child the order and authority you give to your children over Satan.  I pray, right now, that you would send your angels to minister to this family.  I pray that you would guard each window, each door, and that your presence would be so overwhelming in their home that darkness will be pushed out.  Give this little boy peace and rest.  Help him identify anything in his surroundings that might be contributing fuel to this attack, and help him remove it.  We know you are with us no matter what, and that you, the Good Shepherd, guard your sheep.  Thank you for mercy and grace.  Thank you for the promise of rest for the weary.  In the name of your son, Jesus, Amen.”




    Thank you everyone! You all so lift my spirit! I am so not looking forward to another night. I sit here absolutely worn out! I have played praise music most of the day. And in a little while, my husband and I will pray over the house.

    Yes my son is saved. He did this in December! And we are someone who really wants to make sure he understands. We have seen the fruits! Maybe we are all being tested! Also, I agree with Britney about causing tension between my husband. I try to understand where my son is coming from–for so long!-my husband puts up with it for a while and then he is like enough is enough go to bed! I am not sure what to do or how to be!

    I do need to get that book! I love Stormie! LilyLou thank you for that verse! And for the beautiful prayer. It brought tears to my eyes! Thank you Cindy for the encouragement!

    I cannot thank you enough for your prayers!


    You’re welcome!  

    Praying for your night.  My little girls are on it too ;o)  They tend to be prayer warriors (PTL!)  Praying for rest and endurance for Mom ((hugs)), patience and perseverence for Dad, and, of course, SLEEP for your little guy.  

    I just remembered a fabulous line from the song “Nathan’s Song” by Michael Card.  It says “my son, life’s a battle, so you be a rebel!  Stand ready to fight, and never stop loving The Light.”  I think that’s the message that your sweet boy will get on the other side of this. 

    Peace to you tonight!

    PS, my little girl just prayed “…please just tell Satan ‘you’re messing with the wrong family’ and send him away from this little boy…” I love children’s prayers.  Let your little one know a sister in Jesus is praying for him!!  

    blue j

    I have a different perspective, perhaps.  I don’t think that this isn’t a spiritual attack, because it sounds like it certainly could be.  This very much sounds like a panic attack.  Total, uncontrolled, perhaps almost deathly, fear.  I had something like this occur when I was about your son’s age. My mother tried to be sympathetic, bullied, ranted, ignored, but it did nothing to change my behavior, but not because I was being stubborn about it.  I was truly frightened and didn’t know why it was happening, which made it worse.

    Fast forward to now… I have had to utilize homeopathic remedies because I am allergic or sensitive to several different things.  In the process of learning how to use these remedies, I have found one that I wish my mom had known about when I was young.  It is called aconitum napellus.  These are characteristics associated with the need for this remedy – sudden onset, shock, fright, panic or fear (especially of death) for no reason, restlessness, tremendous thirst, chill or very high fever (though not always), symptoms that frequently begin after exposure to chilling wind. Another sign that leads you to this choice for use is very small pupils. Use a 30C dilution tablets (very high dilution with no constituent parts in the dilution).  The directions on the side of the bottle or tube should give you a dosage for both adults and children, but if not, keep in mind that the adult dosage is based on a 150lb adult, so you would reduce from there for a smaller adult or a child, and increase from there for a larger person. 

    Also note that your son will not have interaction problems when using this homeopathic (which is also why my Dr. recommended I use homeopathy), and it can be repeated again in 15 to 30 minutes if necessary – though he should show improvement after the first dosage.  If he does not, this isn’t the right remedy for him.  Also note that the pills go UNDER the tongue and should be allowed to dissolve.  If you would like a resource to check for yourself, I recommend Easy Homeopathy written by Dr. Edward Shalts who is trained as both a medical doctor as well as a homeopathic doctor.

    Please note that I am not a doctor of any sort, just someone who has had to depend on other methods for help with medical issues (or in this case, pschycological). Praying for you all.




     We’ve had similar things at our house with one of my sons. Dh began praying over him each night as he lay in bed(sometimes he would have fallen asleep by then-sometimes not) and God did answer. Keep doing what you are doing and depend on God :~)


    Wanted to give you an update! Last night was wonderful! Everyone slept and noone had nightmares. I even slept, which I have problems a lot! I usually play instrumental hymns at night in their room. But yesterday and all night I played slow praise music. It has As the Deer Pants, I Love You Lord, etc… We prayed over the room. And everytime I woke up, I just praised the Lord. I actually went to bed singing softly and soon was asleep!

    @bluej, thank you for your suggestions. I have medical issues and have experienced panic attacks myself! It can be definately scary! I am pretty sure that is not the cause. But, thank you for the info. I will look that up for myself!

    This is a trying time for me in my life. I already am struggling with health issues, so it a good time for an attack! I am going to keep on doing what I did yesterday! I so much appreciate your prayers. I felt so at peace last night for the first time in a while!

    @LillyLou, tell your little one thank you so much for her prayers! What a wonderful thing to know that we are being prayed for by different families! I love little ones prayers too!

    Again Thank You!


    Praise the Lord!  I’m so glad you slept well; there’s nothing like a good night’s sleep when you’ve been lacking!  

    We’ll keep praying. 

    Sending sleepy prayers your way….  :o)


    Wow, God is so good! I’m glad you guys got a good night’s sleep, I will continue to pray in the coming days that God wraps his peace around your family!

    blue j

    Just seeing this, and sending prayers of thanksgiving for good night’s sleep and continuing to pray for more. 🙂

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