Prayers pls: UPDATE on daughter who had gone with Dad to live

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  • Rachel White

    Hi again,

    Well, from previous post I said how my dd had gone to my husband’s apt. to live after a 17 day stay at an acute care mental facility. What I was afraid would happen did: he enforced consequences and then the next day, HE took her to the therapist again ( 2nd time) and she accused him, to the therapist, of heinous acts against her. There is No Way her accusations are true.

    DEFACS lady, who was already aware of our case and the lies spoken about me and her brother, didn’t believe her, but had to call me to ask for me to take her back. My dd decided to break a Sprite can instead and cut herself instead, because she knew that would keep her from coming back with me and she’d get sent to the hospital again to go back into acute-care. I just made sure it wasn’t the same place, but this new one hasn’t been any better.

    She’s at a new facility now. She is still spewing her lies, has continuously broken their rules, though just before she was caught and now after getting off restriction  ( 2days- big deal!) she’s sweet and great…and I’m trying for residential.  This new facility is worse than the other in many ways. They refuse to contact her previous facility and 4 year long psychologist for her clinical records ( so did the other place, but at least I had an interview to tell our side, but they believed my dd and my husband interfered, not realizing what he was doing) so all they have is what she says. The social worker transfers me to someone else when I ask her questions ( has happened 2x, and we’ve been “disconnected” 2x, though she’s the only person this happens with!?).  The shrink doesn’t call me. He wanted to put her on an anti-psychotic solely based on her claim of hallucinations.  I said I needed more info, and asked 2 people to message him to call me. She may need something strong, but it needs to be more than just her word. But no, nada, no response from him.

    Please pray for our family.  If you can call it that. My dd is obviously mentally and spiritually ill. My son is having nightmares and trouble sleeping, is worried. My husband’s mental and physical health is in great deterioration due to her accusations and the poor interaction with the liason/ social worker.  And I need them, too. I have to have the strongest role to play in this, while knowing how evil and sick my dd’s false claims are. It’s just so wrong and these “short-term” acute centers are vacation spots and social centers for her.

    Monday and Tuesday , I must speak with several people: the insurance case manager;  the supervisor of this inept and uncooperative social worker to request a few things; the patient coordinator concerning lots of things (inc: a complete residential application, referral to the facility of our choosing, not theirs); the detective who still needs to interview me and my son so she can close that case; and our current DEFACS worker   ( a new one) to inquire on the status of my dd’s accusations and how that’s going to affect my husband ( if there’s going to be anything,  it’s been almost 2 weeks and we’ve heard nothing), and the process of getting a thorough application thru to insurance.

    Plus, if I don’t get cooperation,  wisdom to know what to do next, because there is one other option.

    Lastly, my son and I are packing to move south-east for financial and family reasons within 1 mth and I have no idea how to organize That! And we need God to provide a low-income apt for my husband to move into, too; soon.

    There’s so much to this mess, but please just pray. Thank you.


    Praying for you and your family.



    I have read many of your posts here over the past several years, and I have to say you are a very brave, strong, Godly woman. This must seem so overwhelming.

    I will pray for wisdom, healing, truth, rest, peace, all of those things you are asking the Lord for and more.  Whatever the Spirit of God lays on my heart for you, I will lift it up in prayer.

    Hugs, sister in the Lord!


    Rachel, I will pray for you and your family. I am sorry that you are having such a rough trial. Hugs to you!


    Your family is in my prayers, Rachel.


    Rachel, praying for peace and healing.  May the Holy Spirit be your constant guide through this most difficult struggle.  You and your family will be in my prayers.


    Praying for you and your family, Rachel.

    Rachel White

    Thanks everyone for your prayers and attention. As of 2.5 weeks ago, my dd was finally approved for a long-term residential facility. She’ll be there at least 3 mths, but hopefully 6, with schooling in a classroom with a low student/teacher ratio.

    She has begun talking to me, but don’t think that would make me feel that great. The reason the insurance approved her assignment was because she refused to come home for therapy services; threatening herself.

    Now, in the first week there, she all of sudden wanted to talk to me? She acts like nothing happened, like there’s been no rejection of and lying about me and her brother. There’s no diagnosis beyond depression and  anxiety yet; the shrink is observing her weekly, which is wise. my dd not only still claims her accusations are true against her dad, but she’s expanded them. Just like she expanded on the account she created around actual events. That’s generally how it works: she takes a few true things and alters and adds to them to make it a completely different account, but there’s little grains of truth here and there, she just misrepresents and totally alters the actual event (or, with her additions-totally makes them up out of whole-cloth).

    She claims she’s a bisexual atheist now (and secure in her beliefs-so arrogant). Also, all of a sudden, into the zodiac. Conveniently anti-free will. In other words, “I’m a [such-and-such] so that’s why I act this way.” Even with its absurdity, I worry for her soul. She uses it as a basis for why she rejected her real-world friends for the ones online (of course, that version didn’t begin until AFTER her first acute-center stay); that her previous friends won’t accept her. So, there’s still no sign that she’d make different decisions. Of course, it’s kinda weird in her request 2 weeks ago that she, a bi/atheist, would want to go to youth fellowship on Tuesday nights…

    Of course, never mind that none of her letters from girls inside these facilities have been of a romantic nature, but she has had some from boys and in the recent past, when she’s gotten caught doing wrong, she’s tried this only higher power/energy/atheist thing, my son has broken down her flimsy thoughts. If you don’t like limits, I guess it makes sense to get rid of the ultimate Limit-Setter. And she thinks of herself quite privileged and special: that she was trusted at these locations more than others, that she helped lead the meetings, that she counseled the other girls, that she was chosen specifically to room with her current one due to her “compassion and patience” blah, blah, blah; she has fantastic stories.

    We have almost finished packing and will move within 2 weeks.

    I would appreciate your continued prayers. My family is in great distress in her wake. I don’t want her back within 3 mths. My son needs counseling, I do. My mom’s a wreck, being betrayed by her grand-dd. Liars and thieves she can’t stand. I can’t play the game: the one where she just says that she knows the truth in herself and will just move on, despite the FACTS, despite, PROVABLE TRUTH; I can’t pretend that her false accusations haven’t damaged us and just “move forward.” She hasn’t admitted to anything except: being depressed, anxious, and “acting out” defined as stealing and lying. She hasn’t admitted to anything else. We’re all deeply hurt and angry. And I’m tired. Tired of seeing my husband in more pain than he ever deserved; tired of seeing my son hurt and wonderfully protective over me; tired of my increase in migraines and chronic pain; tired of seeing my parents, especially my mom, struggle more because of her craziness; and just her ways.

    Please pray that she’s there as long as she needs to be and as long as we need her to be; we aren’t ready to have her back into our lives come Oct. 1. Please pray for proper diagnosis all and us, in general. I’m the point-person in all this and sometimes, it’s just too much. I don’t want to allow her to control our lives. Thank you.



    Still praying for you & your family.  What a blessing your son is to you especially.  Whenever you have the time, I would work on building up his character, meaning, heap praise on the little and big things he does to be protective, helpful, strong, godly, etc.  And make sure he is reminded that God is quick to forgive when he does do something wrong.  You can build up his resolve to be a strong man of God.

    I will continue to pray for your family situation.


    Rachel, I will also continue to pray.


    Rachel-I was thinking about you and your family the other day and wondering how things are going.

    I’m so sorry for all that you are going through and will continue to pray for your family. {{Hugs}}

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