Prayers on Monday

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  • Rebekahy

    Tomorrow is D-Day as in Delivery!  I’m scheduled to be induced with my fourth little girl and I would appreciate your prayers for a safe and healthy delivery and baby. Thank you dear sisters!

    I know Suzkimom was due on Friday too!  So keep her in your prayers too!



    Prayers coming for both of you – hope all goes beautifully.  Linda


    Many prayers headed your way!  Remember BRAIN–Benefits, Risks, Alternatives, Intuition & do Nothing  when making choices during labor!!!



    Prayers for a smooth labor and delivery and healthy babies for both of you


    Hey Rebekah – I was just thinking of you and wondering if you had you baby yet.

    I have not had my 4th little baby yet… still waiting it out.   However, if big mood swings with crying jags mean anything, I think it must be pretty soon….  and my lower back is hurting today (it might not mean anything as my lower back does hurt a lot in general, but hasn’t for about a month….)  

    I’m sure the family is hoping it is soon – I’m turning into a very grouchy bear….


    Good luck to both of you!  I’m so excited for you, may the Lord guide those little bundles of joy into your arms with smooth deliveries.  Think positive and all will go well.  Blessings Misty

    Sara B.

    Praying for safe, healthy deliveries for you both!  With my 4th, I didn’t even know I was in labor, and when I went in for my regular weekly checkup (I was 13 days late), I was already at 6cm!!!  Surprised  Let us know when the cute little bundles of joy arrive!


    Well, no sign of mine coming today….


    Hang in there!  I was 2 weeks late with #4, and when Felix finally came he came fast – too fast!  I gave birth on the side of the road with my husband and sister to assist! (and believe it or not, it was the easiest and most peaceful delivery I’ve had yet) God’s timing for your little one is perfect!  You’ll be in my prayers for patience and His perfect timing!


    Thank you for your prayers and Suzukimom – you’re in mine!  Baby Mercy was born on Monday at 1:05 – 6lb. 6 oz and 20.5 inches – we’re home from the hospital and big sisters are not giving me a chance to hold the baby – good thing I’m nursing or I might never get a chance!


    Congratulations! It’s a cliche, but enjoy her as the time goes so fast. My littlest and last one is somehow 7 months old already. I’m trying to imprint the smell of his little head

    into my memory forever!




    Wow!  Praise God and congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Laughing


    Congratulations!   There was a part of me that was hoping for the same day, that would have been pretty cool – but I’m fine.

    I was feeling fairly anxious this last weekend, but although I am “done”, I am definately at peace that things will happen on the Lord’s timetable, and that everything is as it should be.  All the anxiousness left sometime last night. 

    And although I do feel “done”, I don’t really want the baby to come on Canada Day (July 1st) – or even tomorrow for that matter (I don’t want to be in the hospital on Canada Day) – so no rush.


    Rebekahy- Congratulations!!!  Give that baby a big ‘ol kiss from and most definitely enjoy this time with her because it’s so short.

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