Prayers needed! And advice, too!

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  • Sara B.

    My grandpa is in the hospital right now.  He had a new Pacemaker put in the other day, and he seems to be doing well, but his blood pressure is low tonight.  He also just had ankle surgery a couple of week ago.  Prayers for his recovery would be greatly appreciated!

    Even more important to me, though, is another prayer request, related to my grandpa.  Some background: My grandma died 2 years ago this past Sunday.  She was one of my best friends.  I miss her so much.  But I’ve dealt with it, and I’m moving on with life alright, as is my mom.  But her sister is not taking it well at all.  She was an emotional mess when my grandma died.  And right away she started taking care of my grandpa, who is perfectly able to live on his own.  She stays with him all evening after work until he goes to bed, does practically everything for him, and basically has spiralled out of control.  She is obviously depressed and not handling my grandma’s passing well at all.  She is a Christian, but I daresay not strong in her faith.  My grandpa has all sorts of faith questions nowadays, proving to me that he finally has faith and is eager to learn more.  He’s had semi-regular visits from the pastor at their church ever since she passed away.

    Now that you have some background info, here is my specific prayer request.  It has become a huge burden to her to constantly be with my grandpa.  She’ll barely leave the hospital, and then only if someone else (read: relative) is watching over Grandpa.  Obviously this is not needed since he is surrounded by doctors and nurses.  She is burning herself out, and today she blew up at my mom because my mom was at work, and needs to work, and so she wouldn’t come down to the hospital to take over.  My aunt says he is scared to be alone and scared to die.  Obviously he needs to talk to a pastor.  He was there this afternoon, but it sounds like it was a short visit and may not have gone well (my mom wasn’t there, but my aunt wouldn’t really talk to my mom much tonight).  I am going to be going up there to visit tomorrow afternoon with the kids, and if my aunt is there, I am going to have a heart-to-heart with her.  She needs to know that she needs help dealing with all of this.  Mom and I are really worried about what she’ll do when Grandpa does go.  Please pray for wisdom and discernment for me in what I say, compassion to hear her thoughts and fears, listening ears to help understand her, and a receptive mind and heart on her part to hear what I have to say, even if she doesn’t like it.  I know that she can say mean things when she is confronted in this way, though I have never been on the receiving end.  Calm for nerves would be nice, too.  🙂

    Also, do you have any advice for me?  Things I should definitely say or not say, do or not do?  Anecdotes if something like this has happened to you?  I’m not really worried, but I don’t like confrontation, especially in a situation like this, so my nerves are going to get crazy by tomorrow afternoon.  But I have faith that His Word will not turn away empty, and that He will be watching over our talk, and that He will give me the words needed.  I trust Him to watch over me, and I trust Him to work in her heart.

    Thanks, all!


    Sorry your Grandpa is sick and about the stress with your aunt. I pray that your conversation goes well. Please pray about whether my ideas are God’s will for your situation. I agree with your Aunt that it is best for a relative or responsible adult to be with him at all times if possible. Hospitals make many mistakes and are usually understaffed. Most nurses have too many patients. Think of the volume of people involved in one hospital stay. That said, when my dad was in and out of the hospital for 2+ months, we were not able to be with him at all times.

    When discussing issues with family who are known to get upset, I don’t have good results. I would say as little as possible, only the essentials, and thank her for being with Grandpa. Also, asking if you can help her in any way. I brought energy bars to my sister so she could be with Dad and care for herself too. I couldn’t be there much, but I did what I could.




    I will pray for you!  This is a hard thing to work through but with prayer and how bout some outside guidance from a pastor, priest, or hostipal staff I’m sure you will be able to make some great break throughs.


    praying for you!



    Sara B.

    Thanks, everyone.  God had other plans for me yesterday.  My dd got sick, so we ended up going nowhere.  My grandpa is going into transitional care again (his choice – he hated it when he was there before he ended up back in the hospital), so hopefully he’ll start to do well again.  Physically he’s fine, emotionally & mentally, he is not.

    But partly I think that is because of my aunt.  When she’s there, he needs to be babied and he’s scared.  When she’s not, he seems fine.  I didn’t get to talk to my aunt yesterday like I had hoped, and I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to see her in the next week during his transitional care.  But if I feel it needs to happen and I get the chance, I will do it.  Thanks for continued prayers for our family!

    Alicia Hart


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