I would really appreciate prayers for our family and esp our youngest son Jude (16 months) for Thursday. Jude will be having a repeat MRI to check his brain cancer status.
I’m not sure I’ve posted on him here before so a run down: Jude was diagnosed at 2 months (May 2009) with glioblastoma multiforma (brain cancer stage 4), hydrocephaly (fluid buildup on the brain caused by the cancer growth) and craniosynostosis (skull condition-he was born with his skull bones fused together which didn’t allow his skull to grow correctly). He had brain cancer surgery at 2 months to remove as much of the tumor as they could get, 4 months of chemo, 2 more surgeries for the hydrocephaly (finally inserting a shunt), and 1 surgery to correct the skull.
He is now in the monitoring phase. He goes every 3 months for an MRI to check the “scar” in his brain (once you have brain cancer you have a mark-“scar”-in your brain- as long as it doesn’t grow it’s fine). At his last scheduled MRI, they found a new mark that after a repeat scan they think is just a part of the old scar that they had previously missed. We are praying that it is just the old mark. We know that God is in control of it all but sometimes esp when a new MRI is looming it is hard to remember that.
Prayers for everything to be fine and peace about the results would be appreciated.
In a world that somtimes seems so fragile. We take each day as it comes and try to enjoy what we can from it. I will surely be praying for you, your son and your family. God be with you.
First of all, thank you for the prayers. It helps knowing that you are being held up before the throne as you face something difficult.
We received both good news and hard to hear news. The good news is that the “marks” on Jude’s brain have not grown. So for now no treatment (chemo) is needed and we are still monitoring. His next MRI will be in 3 months (Oct).
The hard to hear news is that the Dr thinks that the mark in the base of Jude’s brain is a low grade tumor and the mark in the middle of his brain (where the other really bad tumor was) may also be a low grade tumor. In kids, low grade tumors can either grow, stay the same or shrink. If it grows, it needs chemo. If it stays the same or shrinks, it need monitroing. Low grade tumors can start growing at any time so having almost a year behind us really means nothing as it could have just needed longer to start growing. The Dr wants to follow Jude until he is 10 years old (he is 16 months right now). Previously, it was going to be until he was 6 but has been extended for 4 years. While we know that it is a good thing that he will be followed and they will pick up any growth quickly, it is hard knowing that we have that long to wait before we can hear that our child is cured.
We are praying that the marks shrink and if you happen to think of it, would appreciate your prayers for that too.