Prayers for our Family

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  • meagan

    I just wanted to ask you ladies for some prayers for our family.  I am a second wife to a wonderful man, and a step-mother to three amazing boys.  Our boys are all homeschooled, and they split the time 50/50 between our house and their mom’s.  I am responsible for everything homeschooling: I plan the curriculum, prepare their portfolio, and do the twice-yearly reviews with the school board.

    I have a great relationship with all three of the boys.  However, recently, our oldest who is 15 (he was turning nine when his Dad and I started dating), has started telling his Mom and step-dad things about me or things that I’ve said, except he will twist certain things, or leave out information to make it seem like I am saying/doing things that aren’t actually true.  Which then, in turn, creates a lot of strife.  And, it’s also very difficult for me, I am a young mother (only 26; I was 21 when we married) and I know that I am far from perfect and have A LOT to learn!!!  But, it almost seems like he’s tattling on me.  Other than that, however, it seems like we’ve got a great relationship. 

    I would just love some prayers as we try to work through this situation.  Thanks 🙂

    I will pray for your situation, it must be difficult to work out why he is doing this – I sincerely hope you have the support and trust of your husband, that will be necessary to work this out.  Keep the faith, and keep doing your best – pray for guidance and for you son.  Blessings, Linda


    Praying here also, Meagan. 


    Thank you, ladies!


    Linda, yes, I definately do have hte trust and support of my husband.  We are very much united, which does make this all somewhat easier to deal with!

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