Two Wednesday’s ago I had emergency gallbladder surgery and on Thursday they had to put me back to sleep and go in to remove a blockage in my common bile duct. I was in the hospital until Saturday. We just moved from Alabama to the Seattle area 4 weeks ago and know no one. My mom flew out to help me with recovery. Yesterday was my oldest 7th birthday and we went to a bounce house with big trampolines. Within 30 seconds of being on the trampoline my 4 year old broke both the bones in his leg around his ankle. We spent 12 hours in 2 ER’s and he is in a cast up to the thigh with instructions not to bare weight for 3 weeks.
I can not lift above 25lbs for another 5 weeks so I can’t lift him and my mom is leaving. Today I am feeling isolated and anxious about the next 6 weeks as we both recover from the last week. We are hoping my MIL is coming for a bit to help. So please just pray for Brady’s easy recovery and cooperation in not being able to get around on his own. He NEVER sits still. Pray for peace for me during this time and rest for my husband. He is working alot and having to come home and tend to us. I am just struggling today and I need your prayers.
Also, if you have any out of the box activities for an almost 5yo boy to help keep him still I would appreciate the ideas. I have the basics but 3 weeks of sitting is a LONG time.
Oh, Amy, I’m so sorry. It seems that when it rains, it pours, but God is there, even in the rain. I will be praying for your entire family and for your speedy recovery and that of Brady.
A few ideas for you –
Blubber and molds to go with it (Timberdoodle sells this and it’s awesome. My kids will play for an hour or more.)
Hidden Picture books (can order from Highlights in 4 packs)
DK Sticker Books (with great photos – stick anywhere if the actual spots are too difficult)
Maze Books
Invisible Ink Pen and Book (Cracker Barrel always has these)
Making potholders
Rush Hour and other critical thinking games
small plastic animals that can be set up in a zoo or farm
Amy, I am so sorry – gosh I cannot offer much except my prayers for a quick recovery. Do you know which church you will attend, perhaps you could call ahead and ask to meet some of the parishioners – I am praying for you all and I hope that soon you will be able to enjoy your new home. God bless you all. Linda
Oh, wow, that is a lot to happen right during a move! We just moved a few months ago, and I cannot even imagine what we would have done in that situation! I am praying for all of you.
As for activities, there is always TV/movies to fall back on. And books. Lots and lots of books…. Playdough? Drawing, beading. I wish I had more ideas for you. I have a 6yo who never sits still, but she’s a girl (with tomboyish streaks). These and the ideas above are all that she really sits “still” for. She doesn’t even sit still to eat. <roll> LOL I hope you can get him still for the next few weeks, and that all recover fully and quickly!
I will be praying for you as well. I do not have many ideas to offer, but the ones you have already received sound great even when you’re not trying to keep a child still.
I think that Linda’s idea is a good one, too. Do you have a church family in mind?? We have such a wonderful (small) church family and they would be some of the first people I would reach out to if I had to (of course my family and homeschool group).
Thanks so much. It is 4 in the morning and I have been up for 2 hours already. My mind can’t rest right now because I am trying to make a plan for the next few weeks. We have already had a long break with school from the move, holidays and the last week with my recovery. We desperately need to be back in routine but I am fretting over getting us over this hump.
We do have a new church here – only been twice and we have not gone to a community group yet. But honestly I just don’t know how people can help. I mean meals and such would be helpful but most of my anxiety is with how we make it through the day with a child who can’t walk and a mom who can’t carry him.
You mentioned you had a 7 yr. old. I would suggest that your 7 yr. old be ‘called to duty’, by being your hands and pick-up your 4 yr. old during this time. Unless, of couse, your 7 yr. old is really small boned and your 4 yr. old is big boned.
When I had my neck surgery, it was my son mainly, the oldest, but my small dd, too, that came to the rescue regrading picking up everything. Children can do so much to help when given the opportunity and here’s a great opportunity for the other children to pitch-in as best they can.
You may check into your health insurance……there may be a portion of home health type care thet would be covered. Some companies include Long term care and short term care as a part of the company paid benefits (meaning you do not have to sign up for you just get it) and there may be some monetary benfit for the help you need (running errands, cleaning, cooking etc) sort of like an AFLAC type policy.
It would mean a stranger in your home but you would be there to superise and it may ease your burden. Do you and your mom or MIL have video (skype) on your internet? Maybe the could read to your son over skype, play cards etc. Sometimes just someone besides mom can keep them entertained for longer periods of time???
Even if you do not have any ins covereage the expense of a ‘helper on call type service” may be well justified for a week or two??