I just wanted to update you on my dh’s job. I had wrote about them wanted to cut pay about a month ago and nothing ever happened so we were hopeful that things changed and we were in the clear. But yesterday they called and told him either he drops his prices (he’s self-employees) or they will find other people to fill his shoes who will work for less than they are asking him to work for.
My dh I believe is staggering on depression now. He is feeling like he is not worth the money he makes. He has done this job for 15 years and this is the lowest he’s ever had to be paid. He came home last night sad, gloomy and lost in his thoughts. He feels that at what point is it not even worth it to go to work anymore? He told me that we wont be able to have the boys in a christian like boy scout we wanted them to join called Alert Cadet.
I tried to encourage him, praise him for his hard work and to remind him it’s going to be ok. I told him it’s going to be tight for a month or so while I refigure our finances to make the new pay work, but I can and will do it. But it’s so hard to watch a strong, hard working man be sad.
So my update boils down to this. Please continue to pray, not for a money, a better job though those would all be nice but FOR my dh. That in some way God will ease his burdened heart to make him feel better. And to know this is just a season of our life right now. That he has work and is skilled at it and it will be ok. I know the one area of stress is saving the deductable for this new child to be born in Oct., so if you could also pray that in some way we are able to do this even through this financial changes I would appreciate it.
I will be praying for your husband…I know how hard it can be when our husbands struggle with work issues, pay cuts, etc. I pray that God will wrap you all in His love and comfort!
Praying for him and your family, Misty! It is a season, but a rough season nonetheless. My hubby is going through a slight depression, as well, I think, and it’s hard on us wives and the kids, too. May God comfort your hearts and minds and shower many blessings on you through this new time.
I am praying too Misty – these are troubled times we are living in, and I think before all is said and done, everyone of us will have to be willing to make huge sacrifices in the way we live. You are a kind smart woman and you will figure this out, your husband needs encouragement, and just because now is a little rough, does not mean it will always be that way. Keep the faith, keep walking the walk and look to God, he will deliver you through this. In my own little family, we are trying to live far more frugally, because I feel there will come a time when we have to, and our daughters may have to as well in their lives – so we are teaching them all about frugality and making things whether it be cleaning items, or clothes, and food. These challenges seem to often overwhelm us, and when they do threaten to do that, remember Pray, and know it will work out – we just have to be patient and loving. Linda
My husband has been ever so stressed lately with his job, too. He’s pretty confident that everything will work out to God’s glory, but he’s human and still worries. Him being the bread winner, the man, carries the burden of supporting us (as in alot of families) and now that I don’t work it has made him feel like he’s doing exactly what he’s suppose to be doing, which is right. But, that also adds stress that you can’t ignore. Some men find their identities in being able to support their families as some women find their’s in being able to have children (if it’s difficult to accomplish it can make you feel less-than, I know, I’ve experienced the latter). You are fortunate that your husband is so concerned over taking care of his family at the same time putting that burden in the hand’s of God would bring much needed comfort (easier said then done, I know).
Just wanted you to know that you are not alone in these matters, we have had to change/give up on some of our ideas as well. But, that has given us a chance to gain a different perspective and be very thankful for what we do have (as I’m sure you are, too).
I will pray for your husband as well. Our husbands, as strong as they are, need lots of pray and encouragement to make it in this world. And after being married for 15+ years I’m finding that to be more of a necessity as the years pass. Take care and know that you’re being thought of today.
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