Prayer Update

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  • Misty

    Sometimes things don’t work the way you think they are suppose to work.  That said your prayers are working.  Not on finding a better paying job at least not yet.  But in other ways.

    I will not give you a huge long detail of what happened but I will say that satan tried to hurt my dh last night with excessive drinking (he is not more than a can every couple nights man).  But some how God got to his heart when he was weak and at 1222 last night he woke me up and confessed in tears all his hurts, trials, fustrations and what nots.  he has never done that in the 15 years we’ve been together, I’ve never seen him cry.

    He’s angry, upset, scared, fustrated, feeling like a failure, a bad dad and husband.  But through this all, he wants peace with God, he wants forgiveness and wants to know where God is asking him to go, because repeatedly he told me he feels this isn’t what God want’s him to be doing for work, but he knows nothing else and is scared.

    Please continue to pray for my dh, he is struggling with a battle right now.  My words were lost in all this and I offered some, but probably not enough comfort and assurance that God loves us, he will show us if it’s his will to do something else and to continue to ask for forgiveness and he will do that.

    Thank you for your prayers I know they are doing something within my dh.  I love him so much, and he is not any of these things that satan has tried to tell him.  Let him be free of this bondage and know he is loved. Misty


    Praise the Lord!  God is working in his heart and HIS Word will thwart any attempts satan makes to enslave your dh.  Just cling to God’s Word.  Beg God to bring your family closer to each other and to Him through all this.  Pray the Psalms.  The praises as well as the cries for help. 

    When I am afraid, I will trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid.  What can mortal man (or satan for that matter…) do to  me?  Psalm 56:34

    Praying for you my friend.



    God has brought you to your husband for such a time as this.  Your words may not have been there, but YOU were!  As women sometimes we need the right words…men sometimes just need us to be there.  Your tender heart will be a reflection of the Father’s love for your husband.

    You are definitely in my prayers! 

    Sisters in the Lord!



    As a wife and mother of a family who is just now, barely, coming out of a time of crises that seemed to last for years, I will offer you what I know for sure to be true.  This is spoken right now with us having to be out of our current house in a couple of weeks with currently no other house to live in!  I have personal experience with almost all of what you are going through and some others that you have not mentioned. And it has been going on for a very long period of time!  God is now bringing me to a place of understanding. 

      This is what I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be the truth.  God loves us, he knows the place that we are in and He can see the place to which we are going.  Not only can He see our earthly future, which He never promised would be easy (or even good), He can see our ETERNAL future.  Everything that happens to us or through us, He sees through the eyes of eternity.  So, after having this revelation brought before me, I was asked, “how much do you trust Me?”  Will you choose to trust, even in this?  Concentrate on giving your cares to Him, for “He cares for you.”  I take that to not only mean that He cares for us in the sense of loving us but also that He “cares” for our needs.  He sees each sparrow fall, He clothes the lilies in beauty, How much more will He then care for us?  

      I praise God that He is bringing you and your husband to a place where trust is now required.  Because now there will be no possible way that this could be viewed as human resourcfulness or planning that is taking care of you.  God can be given all the praise and glory in this situation because as soon as you put ALL  your trust in Him, that’s when He can really be freed to shine in your life.  You WILL get through this!  God CAN use even this, to bring about good!  And remember that He has much bigger plans for your life than what is in your earthly future…He sees you through the eyes of eternity! 

      You are in His care!

       Blessings, Miranda

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