This is what I got out of your workshops in Leesburg! I came home and took out all the things I was doing that I felt weren’t focusing on my goals and pared down and slowed down and we are having the best time and actually allowing the LORD to direct our days as I put the schedule together. As we have slowed down, we are actually getting much more out of the information we are covering, and I’m not feeling like I’m racing up the wrong ladder anymore. What was the point of checking all those things off my schedule when we weren’t allowing our brains and souls to absorb them? I think this is a wonderful topic!
LORD I pray that you would guide Sonya in her efforts to help other parents to focus their homeschool efforts with an eternal perspective, and allow you to order their steps. I ask that you would prepare her heart and mind to pull together what you are showing her in a way that would grow families and remove obstacles to peace and greater relationships with You. May she have peace in knowing that where you lead you, you will provide more than she could ask or imagine. Thank you LORD for loving your people, and for your patient and persistent love and guidance. In Jesus’ name!
I forgot to mention, this is what you said that caused me to rethink what I was doing: you told a story of a mom who timed her children getting ready in the mornings in order to set her expectations as to how long to give them for that task. I hadn’t thought of homeschooling that way, but our homeschool day consisted of racing through many subjects so we could see lots of check marks on our assigment sheets. And the days were LONG. And I was remembering nothing, so I can’t imagine what my children were getting out of it. We made some great changes based on that thought you shared – and we are getting deeper into less, and getting much more out of it. I also want to set my children up for success, and by racing through I realized they were struggling to keep up and not enjoying it. By slowing down, they have been able to take it in, and apply it, and they are doing well. Thank you for sharing your experiences and for your obedience to the LORD’s leading – it certainly helps us to have the insight you share.