Well, my 16yo dd just called and said, “So, how are you doing, Mom?” Suspicious, I said nothing. “I’m doing fine, Mom. But don’t be worried when [sisters] carry me in the house. It might not be broken.” Sigh…this is the child that hurt her back last April (and she’s still being treated for it), walked into a pitchfork in July, dislocated and broke her foot in August, sprained her knee in January….I think she is taking ‘accident prone’ to new levels. It’s her ankle this time. The running joke around here now is that when she gets married her dowry will have to be an insurance policy. Seriously, prayers will be appreciated – for maybe the next five years! 😕
Oh, and did I mention that my son nearly burned the house down today? A fire got away from him outside (it’s so dry here) and I didn’t even notice what was going on until it was covering about a 200′ patch and leaping into the woods. He assured me he had it well in hand the whole time, bless his heart. Praise the Lord for his mercies! I think I’ll go take a hot bath now…
Have a good evening, Ladies, and thank you!
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