Our son, Jude (age 2), is going in for a repeat MRI tomorrow to check his brain cancer. They will be checking the old tumor site. He also has two other low grade tumors in his brain that they will be checking also. The low grade tumors have not grown up to this point but could start at any time.
We are praying for the old tumor site to be stable and the two low grade tumors to have shrunk. We would appreciate your prayers too.
I will definately be praying, please update when you get a chance. My best friend’s son, who is also my dd8’s best friend, has terminal brain cancer. I do not know exactly how you are feeling but seeing her experience and having a dd10 with benign brain tumors that cause severe disabilities, I do understand how fragile and scary it is to watch your child go through this. May the Holy Spirit give you and extra measure of His perfect peace at this difficult time, may the doctor’s hands be guided precisely, may their assesments be accurate and quick, and may your son receive lots of extra TLC from those around him. God bless this precious family and guide them second by second.
My two boys have been praying for Jude every night since the first time you posted about him. They ask every few weeks for “an update”. I will share this with them today and we will all lift him up to our wonderful Father. Thank you for allowing us to be in prayer with you for your son! Thank you for sharing him with all of us.
My boys have also been praying for Gerrit (sp?) since you first posted about him last year. Their little hearts have worried about him and his family (also your daughter and how she is doing). They too have asked for an update on Gerrit. Would you have one for us?
I will be praying for Jude…will pray that the old tumor site is stable and that the two low grade tumors will have shrunk. Much love to you and your family, my sister in Christ. ~kim
Thank you all for the prayers. They were very much appreciated!
We got a “stable” today! So there is no growth in the old tumor spot or in the two low grade tumors that are still there. This is good news!!! : ) We now get a 6 month reprieve before his next MRI in October. Continued prayers are appreciated.
Carrie, please tell your boys “thanks for the prayers”. Jude is doing amazingly wonderful, esp considering how his first scan looked at 2 months of age! The cancer had caused severe hydrocephaly (now controlled by a shunt). At this time, he is walking, running, climbing, learning to ride a trike, signing (he doesn’t talk but does understand everything and signs to communicate) and eating almost normally (just some food aversions still left). We are so amazed and please with all God has done in his little life.
Wonderful news Rebecca, what a wonderful Easter blessing for you all. I am so happy for you. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers for the next time. Carrie’s boys are amazing aren’t they? They are true Warriors of God. Blessings, Linda