Prayer Request

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  • Misty


    I was just wondering if you all could put a little prayer in your heart for our family. My dh is self employeed and thankfully the Lord is still providing us with enough week to pay (literally) what we have to and only pull a bit out of savings. We have been very carefull.

    Here’s the request though: I am 36 weeks pregnant with #6 (the 1st 5 were all boys and born at 38wks) this gift is a girl and I have not been able to spare any extra cash to outfit her. I have 2 outfits and maybe 3 sleepers. 1 pack of diapers. I am getting nervous that she will come and I will have nothing to put her in. With 5 boys I want to be sure no one mistakes her for a “him”.

    I’m not worried in the sense that she will have nothing God always provides. Clothes I know will come from family and friends it’s just the diapers. They are so spendy and I have never used clothe though I am seriously thinking about it.

    So if you could just lift up a small prayer that this little fear will go away and be overcome I’d appreciate it. You know how we are at the end of the pregnancy all worries not enough faith.

    Thanks and bless you,



    I’ll be praying for you, Misty. Here is Psalm 103:1-5 for you:

    Praise the LORD, O my soul;

    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.

    Praise the LORD, O my soul,

    and forget not all his benefits-

    who forgives all your sins

    and heals all your diseases,

    who redeems your life from the pit

    and crowns you with love and compassion,

    who satisfies your desires with good things

    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.




    Misty, I will be praying for you. I understand, my husband is self employed also. Our business closed but he is still self employed. We by God’s awesome grace have paid bills everymonth. However, I am not pregnant, and that does weigh on how we feel. Praise the Lord for a precious girl. how awesome!!!!! I have all girls, would not trade them for a million dollars. keep us posted on this precious gift. nancyt



    My husband is also self-employed, though unlike you we haven’t been doing as well. He is currently looking for a job. I certainly know the ups and downs that self employment can bring and being pregnant can bring on more stress and worries with it. I also don’t know if you feel like I do while pregnant-I always wonder where I will find the energy to care for another little one. But you what? God always manages to give me what I need and when I need it. I will pray that the Lord will bring along the jobs, money, clothes, diapers and energy 😉 as you need it. Lean on Him! And congrats on a girl! We have 3 (and one lonely boy)…be prepared for lots of clothes changing in the years to come, tea parties, and hair fixings.




    Where do you live? I have TONS of baby girl clothes that I’m looking to get rid of. Also, have you looked online for diaper coupons? I know several companies offer a decent coupon online. Have you checked out generis diapers from Wal-Mart or Aldi? They are significantly cheaper and, most times, work just as well.

    I will keep you in my prayers.

    Faith 🙂


    Thanks to everyone who has read, prayed or just said I’ve been there. I appreciate it. I’m one to not only bring coupons but also figure out how much per diaper they are. I’m cheep and have to be with a large family. So yes I love coupons.

    Faith, I am in MN and would love to get some of your used clothes maybe we could work something out? Let me know.

    Blessings & thanks



    Misty- I have been lifting you up in prayer, and will continue to do so. I wish I could get you some clothes…I have a box of girls stuff- but I am in Canada!

    In addition to coupons, I would love to give you some encouragemtnt in the cloth diapering…I did not use them with my first 3, but started wiht my fourth, and I am in LOVE! I use the pocket diapers and I think they are so worth it! There are so many times in the month when things are just…tight…and we need milk, bread, etc. It’s in those moments I really am thankful I don’t have to spent the dollars on the diapers or wipes. I wash them every 3 days, and the girls love stuffing them and getting them ready for the next run of diapering! There are many sites you can go to if you want to check them out, and you can also get them for really cheap off a site called It’s a forum where moms are buying, selling and trading their cloth diapers.

    I just wanted to comment on this since you were mentioning it, and noone else brought up any points on cloth. =)

    Blessings Misty to you and your family, may the Lord uphold you with his hands.

    Love Christina


    Misty, Do you sew? I love cloth and would be more than happy to talk you through it. But, if you are not ready for that step than lets just keep praying for the finances to buy what you need.


    LOL, you are to funny Shanna! I would love to learn to sew but no I don’t my mom is an awesome sewer and she makes me all sorts of things.

    so yes, I’d love to but no I don’t and thanks for keeping me in your prayers.




    Check these out. I just asked a friend who is using them and she loves them. I am buying some tomorrow.

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