I try to spread the word and get as many prayer requests out as possible. Our beautiful area is under the terror of an out of controll wildfire. So far 50 homes have burned, hundereds more evacuated every few hours, a lot of them dear friends of mine. The officals tell us the only thing stopping this will be rain but we didnt had rain since last October and no rain in sight in the next couple of weeks. The fire is in the proximity of 2 town of about 40,000 people combined (Sierra Vista and hereford AZ) and military post Ft. Huachuca (another few thousand people). Our fire (Monument Fire) is still small with about 6,000 acres but very aggressive and unpredictable. Fire Fighters say they never saw a fire like that before and we are declared national priority even getting resources from the hugh Wallow fire in the NE. Please pray for us and the fire fighters! Thank you.
I will be in prayer. We have fires in our surrounding areas in FL and GA, too. Yesterday & today the smoke was so bad, you didn’t want to stay outside. Also, ash was actually falling and had coated my hubby’s car this am. We are praying for rain!
I have been praying for the Arizona situation along with the border to New Mexico which is under threat. My heart goes out to you all, such a beautiful state with such a terrifying event. God bless you all. Linda
First of all thank you so much for all your prayers! The Lord gave us a break yesterday and today with the winds and the fire fighters made big progress on the containment lines. We all needed this break so bad after a weekend of “Armagedon” (those were the words of the fire officials). My family and I left the town for a few days but now I am back at work running the Summer School at a Christian Academy. We still need your prayers. Even though right now things are calm we are far away from being out of any danger by the fire. We have several thousand of people and even more animals that are evacuated and had to leave there homes and about 57 homes and 4 businesses burned completly. Someone put this slideshow together from the events over the last week. I hope I will soon be able to join the discussions here again and start focusing on starting home schooling in 2 month:) Thank you again and God bless you all!Oh and some facts: the fire is at 27,000 acres, as of right now 40% containes (yeah). We are national priority 1, have about 1,200 people working on this fire, including the National Guards. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yitYl2sVeUM&feature=player_embedded