I’m praying for you and your family. May God give you great peace and great strength for the days ahead–and fill them with much more joy than challenges!
Praying! May the Lord grant you peace and give the medical providers great skill and wisdom. One of my best friends has (severe) clubbed feet and lives a full, wonderful life. Hope this encourages you! Blessings!
Just a thought, and I sure you will do this…but make sure you have written down a list of questions to ask about these conditions when you see the doctor. I know that Spina Bifida and Club foot often go together, and that there are lots of treatments out there – the appointment will be stressful, so make sure you make that list of your questions. Also, write down the answers, it is easy to forget in the stress of the moment. I know these things from when my daughter was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy – the first appointment I don’t remember any of it – after that my husband and I made lots of notes and had lots of questions ready to ask – it made things go a lot smoother. Prayers still coming your way. Hugs, Linda
I was also wondering if the amniocentesis is actually necessary. What will that reveal that can help you deal with the situation? I really have no idea. I was just wondering because it can cause problems of its own. I know you’ve thought of that already, and I didn’t want to add to the worry. I just wondered if it was really needed. You know, they always want to do that. They wanted to do that the last time I was pregnant just because I was 37.
I know this is totally different and maybe they need to find out something from it that will help.
Best of luck, and try not to worry. You know Heavenly Father has it all planned out for you and your family.
I was reading about the condition on the Mayo Clinic website – and the amnio may or may not be necessary – but I doubt they would do it if they did not have to. Still it is another question to add to the list when the appointment comes. The ultrasound has already shown the problem, now they have to ascertain if they have not already how severe it is or isn’t, they can do some amazing things these days, that is for sure. The high tech ultrasound may mean no amnio is needed as from what I was reading that tells them how serious the condition is, and what the best approach is. You will know more tomorrow, and whatever the answers you get – know that we will be praying for you, that God is with you every step of the way and that the doctors these days are quite amazing in situations such as this. God bless and take care….Linda
I have two boys who were born with clubfeet. I do not know anything at all about spina bifida, but I would be delighted to answer any questions you may have about clubfeet and it’s treament. 🙂
easybrizy what a great pic you have on the site here, I love that. It will also be wonderful to have someone who has experience of club feet to turn too – that will be a blessing. again what a darling little one you have there. Linda
Congratulations on your baby boy! i turned 20 weeks on Monday. My issues have been more about me in this pregnancy and not so much the baby. But I do feel your struggle. How I will pray for you and the baby, Tristan. May the LORD guard your heart and mind with His peace. May He cup you in His hands as He takes you through this trial.
Please keep us posted. You are loved and prayed for.
Hello dear friends, I wanted to give you an update on what we’ve learned about baby Mason’s challenges in the coming months and years. We still have a lot to learn, but we’ve started.
What we Know:Mason has a condition called Spina Bifida Myelomeningocele. As he was developing in the womb the spinal vertebrae in his lower back did not close and part of his spinal cord and nerves are coming out through this opening in his back. This will affect several things, including his ability to walk and bladder/bowel control. His feet are turning inward due to incorrect or inoperative nerve messages, also known as clubfoot. He may learn to walk with assistance like braces or he may be in a wheelchair, we do not know yet. The other major effect he will face due to the spina bifida is in his brain/skull. The brain is a bit pulled to the back of his skull and so the flow of fluid around the brain is not as smooth as could be. He will likely have Hydroencephalis, where fluid builds up around his brain due to the reduced flow, and will need a shunt surgically placed in his skull under the skin, with a tube under his skin draining off excess fluid. There may be learning difficulties down the road (about a 20% chance). When/if hydroencephalis begins in utero he will need delivered, which means he may be premature. I will deliver via C-Section at Riverside Methodist Hospital. Mason will require surgery within hours or a day of birth at another hospital to close the opening in his spine and to place a shunt in the skull. We have yet to meet with the pediatric neurosurgeon to learn details of what that will involve, including how long Mason will be in Children’s hospital’s NICU. He will likely require more surgeries as he grows. The clubfeet are treatable to some degree, and again, we’ll be talking with the neurosugeon about that as we go along. For the moment I will continue to have regular prenatal appointments in Newark AND High Level Ultrasounds monthly in Columbus to monitor things. We will begin gathering a pediatric neurosugeon team and preparing for the changes that are coming.
What We’re Grateful For:Mason is an otherwise healthy little boy, and while his Spina Bifida and all that entails will be hard, he is going to live. Many of the possibilities Mason could have had in combination with his Spina Bifida (genetic/chromosome) had an end result of very early death. It seems that God has planned a path for our yet-to-be born son that will not be the easy, healthy one you always assume will come at birth. The challenges he will face come from his physical body. As we are learning more about the challenges we are clinging to the knowledge that this child is known by God and that the circumstances of his body are not an accident. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee…” Jeremiah 1:5
We appreciate your prayers in the coming months as we prepare for our sweet little boy’s arrival.
Our family is praying for you! I also follow your blog and know that with God’s help your family will thrive no matter what the future holds. God has a plan for Mason and what a blessings he will be!