Prayer against spiritual attacks

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  • Sue

    Ladies & gents,

    I feel as though I need prayer support today on a few fronts.  I have an autistic 11yo ds who often dislikes anything connected with schoolwork and can be very aggressive and rebellious.  We’ve been praying against spirits of rebellion, deception, violence, and others that seem to rear their ugly heads, and following those prayers have been days of relative peace, joy, and learning.  However, as Luke 11:24-26 tells us, they like to return to our nice, cozy spiritual house and bring their nasty friends.  So, I know this is an ongoing battle.

    Add to this the fact that I have been battling asthma and allergies that have made my chest very clogged, my body very tired, and my voice raspy.  Today, everyone slept in–a lot!–which was in part my desire to have some peace and quiet for an extra hour or so this morning while I rested my voice.  However, now that everyone is up and going, there has been squabbling between the kids, my oldest keeps interrupting me when I read or talk, my son is talking about going to public school (“where they actually have blackboards, and gym class, and you don’t have to listen to stuff about artists, and we’d be done with school by now”–even though it was only 11:45 a.m. when he said that), and my medication is not working as well as I had hoped…..I think you get the picture.

    My older daughter is willing to work independently and get her work done, but she is not particularly willing to handle our literature read-aloud in my place.  (I told her my voice needs the rest, and she suggested we just skip it.)  My younger daughter is willing to work….but only if I tell her what to do and sit with her.  My son does not want to do anything but play.  And he is getting loud and disrespectful about it.  I do not feel as though I can summon the energy to do battle with him.

    We have a field trip at a local nature center tomorrow afternoon, then they will be off to visit their dad (who is on vacation for a couple of days) until Friday afternoon.  We had a rather light day on Monday because I was feeling so poorly, so all in all I do not wish to slack off today and fall behind.  I simply feel too weak to do anything extra around the house or with the kids, and I feel particularly vulnerable to spiritual attacks.  Oh, and did I mention that my paying job is as a telephone solicitor for a charitable organization that collects household discards and clothing….so I have had to try to work, not very successfully, with a hoarse voice?

    Please, please, pray for me and my family as you find the time to do so!  I need reinforcements sent in!! Smile




    Sue, so sorry you’re struggling.  Prayed for calmness and peace to be restored to your home.  Blessings, Gina

    Praying for restored health and strength –  a few lighter days will not set you back far – if you need it take it and perhaps tell the kids the field trip is off if they don’t settle down, because mum is ill and they need to behave.  Linda

    I am sorry you are feeling yuck, and I do pray for your healing. When mommy is sick, it is sooo hard!

    Just a extra note of encouragement….God is is the one in total control of your family. HE is bigger than our hearts, and through Him the daily struggles of our sinful flesh are worked out for His good purposes. Don’t give too much focus to evil spirits, keep your mind on things pure and lovely and pray scripture for your son and family. Put faith in God and feel the confidence and peace that he brings. When we are weak, He is strong!!!!!

    Blessings to you! 🙂

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