Praising the Lord for His Goodness

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Moms’ Porch Let’s Chat Praising the Lord for His Goodness

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  • I’ve been kind of MIA for awhile! I went to TN to get my mom and bring her back home (we live in IN), thinking we were going to be getting her ready to move in permanently with her brother. While there I find out my uncle is retiring to KY and my mom is not listening! (Selective hearing, you know!) Finally she accepted this and then I moved into high gear to get her approved and moved into a senior living apartment complex that is just 1/4 mile from me.

    That all has been done, we moved her in June 7, then my older girls and I attacked the task of clearing out her home of 32 years. She and dad would have been married 50 years this September (Dad passed away last October). So there is a LOT of stuff!

    We got the house cleared out–most of it is in my house now! My mom is anorexic and has little energy, so she will be going through things as she is able at my home. She HAS gained a little since we’ve been bringing her food–she’s up to 74 pounds! Considering she quite seriously was below 70 earlier this winter, that’s a good thing! She will eat when we fix it, and if we sit and chat with her she’ll eat more than when she’s alone.

    Right after we got the house cleaned, we went into our 4-H county fair judging of projects, then the fair itself! So I am past that and hopefully can have my normal crazy life instead of the totally insane life I’ve been living the past few months! WHEW!

    I just want to praise the Lord that He worked out ALL the details, that my mom is happier than I have seen her in a long time, and that our relationship is the best it’s been in a very long time. We pretty much always got along, but it got pretty shallow for awhile, and for some reason, she treated me as the enemy a few years ago. So this about face has been a balm on my hurting heart!

    I hope to check in here more often and catch up on all that’s going on! So many times I wanted to spend some time here, but just couldn’t read more than a post or two. I think I’ve been going through withdrawl symptoms! LOL!

    Good to be back and “see” you all!



    Hi, Trisch! It’s been a long time, and I can’t speak for all, but I’ve really missed you and your wise words! I’m glad things are settling down for you, and I pray that things will continue to improve for your mom! Look forward to hearing more from you as time allows!

    Faith 🙂

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