With much prayer and supplication we have had some amazing breakthroughs here. All glory to GOD!
Once I started trying to focus my attention on the Lord instead of my agenda, the doctor figured out some very important and serious nutritional deficiencies that we remedied, and I had that procedure for my ribs, back, and hips done on the 20th, I have made leaps and bounds worth of progess in all areas: Mentally, Emotionally, Spiritually, and even Physically. It’s been great! It’s been quieter in my mind and spirit as I have been walking quietly along with the Lord.
At the same time the doctor discovered some of the same problems in my daughter who had been having some huge behavioral issues–no matter the discipline or instruction–it was like a light switch would flip and wham you were in for it. She’s 7 1/2, and we’ve been dealing with this for quite a while. Once we corrected the nutritional lacks which the doctor said is the first thing she tests for in children with add, adhd, and anywhere on the autistic spectrum–she’s been a different child. It has been amazing. She had become able to exhibit self-control. This has been quite an obvious and sudden shift. And it has been such a blessing to us. It was so hard, many days seemingly impossible to deal with yet another massive fit or war over inconsequentials and only occasionally glimpse the helpful sweet spirit that was inside her, locked away somewhere it seemed. Praise God from Whom all blessing flow! She’s by no means perfect, but what a difference. Now, I deal with a behavior or attitude here or there, instead of a constant battle with a wild child. And she’s so happy herself to be able to choose to obey or choose to not be ruled by her passions. She’s been such a bright and happier child. All with NO meds and only vitamins and minerals! Yeah!
So we are going along, happily making progress in all major areas…child training, habits, attitudes, discipline, school organization, house organization/decluttering, and meals, etc. in spite of round after round of intestinal distress throughout the family (except 9mo). When life happens- and my 3 boys get pretty decent fevers. No other symptoms except body aches and the like. But the grump level skyrocketed. My girl became my right hand helper and would sweetly help her younger brothers or work at the dishes or look for things to do that would make a difference and help…it has been awesome. We were handling it. Then the fevers left..so I stopped the fever meds…and the grump level went up even further and they stopped eating well…my oldest boy wouldn’t eat but a bite at a time. I couldn’t figure it out. And the baby would only nurse. He’s 9mos old and has been eating 2-3 meals per day AND nursing plenty. Even with copious amounts of mother’s milk tea and water, etc. I have had a hard time keeping up in production. And then my hip went out with all the extra lifting of these sick HEAVY boys–and my pain skyrocketed…and I thought oh, no, I’m spiraling down again, I never can get it together…etc. etc. etc. Then my oldest boy who won’t eat, tells me that his tongue really hurts…well I look in his throat expecting to see nothing like the million other times I have had to look in a throat. I never can tell what I am looking at or for. Well, I almost fall over when I see a fairly large ulcer in his throat. I then check the other two…and even the baby has them. We take them all to urgent care…since I don’t know what we are dealing with. And, ta da, its a nastly little virus that causes fever and sores in the mouth and throat…and the oldest has a severe case…they found way more than I did. I started praising GOD. It’s just a virus. The grump and extra workload is TEMPORARY. Praise God. I am still doing ok. YEAH! And my whole outlook re-aligned from feeling pretty defeated to seeing this as a bump in the road. 🙂 Today, my back/hips/legs still hurt, but I am adjusting to the new pain level until I can get help with that. My daughter might be coming down with this illness…I’m seeing some of the preliminary signs…and she’s a tough patient. But I am hanging on to the victories that we have had that I was about to throw out in my overwhelmedness. I am so excited to be able to be in the midst of less than ideal circumstances…yet ride the wave grinning…cause it’s all in HIS hands–HIS plan…and HE does love me…even in the midst of suffering.
So I am sitting here, with a house full of grumpy sick kids in pain myself…literally GRINNING. Praise God!
I’m so happy you are able to see the goodness of God in the midst of trials. I’ll continue to pray for you as well. May the blessings and improvements continue to flow from the Lord.
Praise God! Thank you for sharing how God is working in your family’s life. I have your mom Janet on my prayer list and will continue to pray for her and your family.
I am so happy for you Jo, sometimes the smallest gifts from our gracious and loving God make a huge difference in our days, and He is constantly working in the background waiting for us to see Him and hear Him. Three quotes come to mind.
…those who seek the Lord lack no good thing.
– Psalm 34:10
He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy.
-Job 8:21
In the morning, O Lord,you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation.
-Psalm 5:3
Wishing your family a speedy recovery and many blessings as you continue on your journey. Linda