I am a passionate advocate of this seminar!! It has transformed our homeschool and I am so happy that it has helped you as much as it has helped us. It’s the best $35 I have ever spent ;0).
Yes! Loved it too! I more recently watched the Books and Things seminar and was pleasantly surprised at how much more I got from that than I thought I would. I highly recommend it as well. And now I read a Preschool to Highschool seminar is coming? Yay! My oldest is only first grade and I am already seeing in him and his (almost 4yo) brother the potential fruits of a CM education. Obviously everyday and everything is not always sunshine and roses, but the SCM site and products are some of my favorites so far. Good stuff!
I am excited and should be getting my copy in the mail soon! Would you all recommend the Planning Your Charlotte Mason Education as well, or would that be overload? I have the Planning set, but haven’t done it yet. Should I do so, or wait to watch the seminar first? Thanks!
Blessings, Jackie in TN
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