I have Power Glide Spanish and my girls enjoy the stories and activities. It interweaves Spanish into English. The 2 things I don’t like is he’ll throw in a new Spanish word or more in that he never covered so I have to look it up…and that it is difficult to find out where you left off on the CD. I have to write down track numbers on lessons to keep track.
I like that it has pictures of the objects or verbs you are learning (picture of ball=pelota). I think little ones need to see pictures. I like that I could get this used off of Amazon at a great price (first I bought the first part only on cassette at a used book sale cheap, then added more books and CD’s from Amazon). I like it for the younger ones as a fun intro to spanish. Mine are 8, 6, and almost 4. The 4 yr old enjoys it too and is learning. I add extras like counting in Spanish while we do calendar or singing Spanish songs from Whistlefritz.
I wouldn’t pay full price for it however. I liked the looks of other programs but didn’t want to pay the price. I plan to use Rosetta Stone when we get more serious about foreign language. For now it is good for young ones, but I’ve read full immersion is supposed to be better to learn a foreign language. But I’m always lost when I watch Whistlefritz videos!
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