Potty Training Update

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  • dmccall3

    You are all just wonderful!! I took your collective advice and my son is at the end of day 4 of no accidents! If he’s in his nighhttime diaper he goes in it but all day he’s in underpants and is doing great. One day was even a travel day from early morning to late evening and he went to whatever public bathroom was available. Yay! I’m encouraged and he is a happier potty goer. 🙂 I don’t know how long it will take until this is a well-engrained habit but at least we’re on the right path, and less than 2 months before child #2 arrives! 🙂





    Now if only my 3yo could catch on….

    Great!!  Having only 1 in diapers is so much easier.  I am sure by the time baby comes he will be doing great!


    YEH, aren’t all those public rest stops great!  LOL  But it works and that’s what counts.  Congrats and remember that there might be a little relaps but usually it ‘s short lived.

    I would like to jump in that my 2.5 dd is trained during the day & as of the last 2 weeks over 1/2 the nights have been dry!  I’m so excited to be down to 1 in diapers in the future!  Misty


    Yay! That’s great! 🙂

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