Postponing assignments

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  • ecp103

    I’m trying out the 30 day trial, and so far am loving it! (We’re on day 3). I love the flexibility of things unfinished carrying forward – we have hospital appointments, operations and a new baby due this term!

    What I don’t understand how to do is to postpone an activity for the following week. Let me explain: I set the children work at the start of the week to cover that week in Science. It may take them a couple of days or all wekk, that’s fine by me. I can mark off the work as worked on or finished, but as soon as finished is ticked, the next assignment appears. I don’t want them to start this until the following week. Is there anyway I can do this?


    i don’t think so – you just wouldn’t do the assignment until you wanted to. It will sit there patiently waiting for you LOL. Someone correct me if I am wrong but this is how it seems to work for me. 

    What I do to unclutter my page for things that I don’t want to see that day is minimize each resource by clicking on the resource title on the daily planner. That kind of shrinks it up so only the title shows. I start each day by doing that for any resources that I know we won’t on that day, then as we complete the lessons throughout the day, I check them done or worked on and minimize that resource. Then, ideally, when the day is through all the resources are minimized and I just see a list of titles on my screen. Helps me to visualize throughout the day what is still left to do.

    Hope that makes any sense at all LOL



    How I do it is finish the current project and when the next assignment comes up, then click on the edit schedule for the resource. Insert the date you want it to start next and it will stay off your daily plan until the newly entered date. Laughing


    I do this since I don’t like rummaging thru assignments I am not planning on doing that day. HTH


    Taking notes! ;0)


    cdm2kk is right about rescheduling, but that’s too much work for me (it’s not a lot, but once I get everything in I just want to check like a mad woman as opposed to changing anything in the schedule.  If you’re printing off the to do list for your kids, just don’t “expand” that subject and it won’t show up in the printed to-do list.  It’ll still show up on the computer, so if you’re having them review their assignments on the computer, it won’t work for you.


    Keep it up, Ladies. One week until I find out if I can get Internet signal. 9/11 is our installation appointment. Hopeful…


    Yes, i don’t usually do it if I am pushing an assignment off for a day or two, but I scheduled some composer cd’s from classical kids and we are currently listening to Vivaldi and we finished it up early since both kids were really into it and have actually listened to it again just for fun. I scheduled the next cd of Bach to start after vivaldi which we were to study for 9 weeks, but did it in 5, so instead of seeing Bach on the schedule for the next 4 weeks, I changed the date. List is less cluttered. I don’t know if the classical kids cd’s are CM or not, but kids enjoyed them lots and I, not being raised around classical music, found that it is truly powerful. there were parts where I was actually tearing up as the music moved me. It was so sad and beautiful at the same time. Amazing stuff. I like that my kids appreciated it as well.

    Oh & Becca, we are all rooting for you and the internet!! Tongue out 

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