possible math store extention

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  • applebees

    I have children who are 9 and 12. We will be starting the math stores on Monday, each doing a different store. I was considering planning some type of an extention based on the stores following the completion of ’round one.’

     Something along the lines of having my older child be an entrepreneour(sp?) and simutaniously work through all 3 stores while throwing in some more advanced work. We could start with some living books about economy, buisness…I am not yet familiar enough with the program to know what to add or if this is worth exploring so input would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks, Julie

    Jodie Apple

    We used the Pet Store math with our 11 year old last year.  I could see maybe reading some living books about economy, business (if they’re interested in it) and even some books like Cool Math by Christy Maganzini and Mathematicians are People Too.  But, unless they expressed an interest in doing all 3 simultaneously, I’m not sure I’d recommend it.  It could squelch the enjoyment aspect of taking a break from the regular math programs.  We did use some of  Right Start level E along with Pet Store and will be finishing level E this year.

    Did this help answer your questions or just make things more confusing?  Tongue out

    Good luck in planning,


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