Pond and Stream book

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  • HollyS

    Just a heads up that there is now a print copy of the Pond and Stream book on Amazon (it has a red cover).  It’s the same size as the companion and looks well done.  I thought I’d share since I know there are others that prefer print copies.


    Thank you! Have you been doing the Pond and Stream study? How do you like it?


    I’m preparing for next year, but it looks great.  It’s set up similarly to Outdoor Secrets, which has been a huge hit with the kids this year (even the older ones).

    Karen Smith

    If you get the print copy or an ebook version of Pond and Stream, you will follow in The Pond and Stream Companion the instructions to read from “the beginning of a sentence phrase” through “the end of a sentence phrase” in each lesson that uses Pond and Stream, rather than the page numbers. The page numbers reference the original book layout that is available through All Things Ransome web site.


    I penciled in little stars in the margins to divide all the readings, which I’m finding helpful with some of our history readings too!

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