Polished Cornerstones

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  • I am in the beginning stages of planning out our next school year and am thinking about using Polished Cornerstones with my girls. Anyone have ideas for how they have incorporated this into their family? Just curious and looking for ideas :o)

    Sara B.

    We use it. I write a list of the activities we want to do for each “habit” or what-have-you, then we do it daily for no more than 10 min or so. The girls enjoy it (ages 9, 7, and 5). We do it during school time. Sometimes we use it in place of copywork, or we get our Scripture memory verses from it, or we go outside and play a game (right now we’re doing submission and we play “Red Light, Green Light” or “Mother, May I?” or the obedience game from Raising Godly Tomatoes”). I get the ideas directly from the book, mostly, and once in a while I’ll have an epiphany for something else similar to do. LOL

    HTH! 🙂

    Thanks Sara, those are great suggestions :o) my girls are 6&7 turning 7&8 during the next school year so glad to hear your girl’s ages enjoy it.

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