Poetry for early Modern

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  • Amandagwa

    We like to study 1 Poet per term. Any suggestions for 3 poets that fit into the Early Modern time period 1550–1850?


    I have the Poetry for Young People series books for:

    William Blake

    William Wordsworth

    Samuel Coleridge

    William Shakespeare

    Emily Dickinson (this in has riddles in poetry)

    Robert Browning

    Robert Frost

    Henry Wadworth Longfellow

    The Pied Piper

    Each book comes with a short appropriate biography, 24-25 poems accompanied by delightful full color illustrations. I have others in the series, but they are the more modern poets – Langston Hughes, Maya Angelou, etc. This is my favorite go-to resource for poet study (at least introductions…).


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