Poems for Thanksgiving

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  • Misty

    Hello, I am wondering if anyone has and poems about Thanksgiving (spiritual, funny, anytype).  I would like to have our children memorize something cute to recite on Thanksgving for our families.  Thanks in advance.

    blue j

    Hi Misty, I did a really quick search and found these poems. 

    The Pilgrims Came
    The Pilgrims came across the sea,
    And never thought of you and me;
    And yet it’s very strange the way
    We think of them Thanksgiving Day.
    We tell their story old and true
    Of how they sailed across the blue,
    And found a new land to be free
    And built their homes quite near the sea.
    The people think that they were sad,
    And grave; I’m sure that they were glad –
    They made Thanksgiving Day – that’s fun –
    We thank the Pilgrims every one!
    by Annette Wynne

    The Pilgrims
    In the year of 1620
    on a cold Decembre day
    a hundred and two pilgrims
    sailed into Plymouth Bay.
    Still wary from their voyage –
    still gacing winter’s chill –
    they kept their sights on freedom
    with courage, work, and will.
    Pilgrims did not stop to think
    of riches, fame, or glory
    while bravely playing starring roles
    in our new nation’s story
    by Bobbi Katz

    Thanksgiving Time
    When all the leaves are off the boughs,
    And nuts and apples gathered in,
    And cornstalks waiting for the cows,
    And pumpkins safe in barn and bin,
    Then Mother says, “My children dear,
    The fields are brown, and autumn flies;
    Thanksgiving Day is very near,
    And we must make thanksgiving pies!”
    Author Unknown.

    The year has turned its circle,
    The seasons come and go.
    The harvest all is gathered in
    And chilly north winds blow.

    Orchards have shared their treasures,
    The fields, their yellow grain,
    So open wide the doorway —
    Thanksgiving comes again!
    Old Rhyme.

    The First Thanksgiving
    When the Pilgrims
    first gathered together to share
    with their Indian friends
    in the mild autumn air,
    they lifted the voices
    in jubilant praise
    for the bread on the table,
    the berries and maize,
    for field and for forest,
    for turkey and deer,
    for the bountiful crops
    they were blessed with that year.
    They were thankful for these
    as they feasted away,
    and as they were thankful
    we’re thankful today.

    Giving Thanks
    For the hay and the corn and the wheat that is reaped,
    For the labor well done, and the barns that are heaped,
    For the sun and the dew and the sweet honeycomb,
    For the rose and the song and the harvest brought home —
    Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

    For the trade and the skill and the wealth in our land,
    For the cunning and strength of the workingman’s hand,
    For the good that our artists and poets have taught,
    For the friendship that hope and affection have brought —
    Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!

    For the homes that with purest affection are blest,
    For the season of plenty and well-deserved rest,
    For our country extending from sea unto sea;
    The land that is known as the “Land of the Free” —
    Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving!
    Author Unknown


    A friend of my 3rd grade son read me this one his teacher gave his class at PS.

    When Daddy Carves the Turkey
    When Daddy carves the turkey,
    It is really quite a sight,
    I know he tries his hardest,
    But he never does it right.

    He makes a fancy show of it,
    Before he starts to carve,
    And stabs in all directions,
    While we’re certain that we’ll starve.

    He seems to take forever,
    As we sit and shake our heads,
    By the time he’s finished slicing,
    He’s reduced the birds to shreds.

    He yells as loud as thunder,
    Just before he’s finally through
    For when Daddy carves the turkey,
    Daddy carves his finger too!
    (Author Unknown)

    Father in heaven , We thank thee

    For flowers that bloom about our feet,

    For tender grass, so fresh and sweet,

    For song of bird and hum of bee,

    For all things fair we hear or see—

    Father in heaven, we thank thee!

    For blue of stream, for blue of sky,

    For pleasant shade of branches high,

    For fragrant air and cooling breeze,

    For beauty of the blowing trees—

    Father in heaven, we thank thee!

    For mother—love, for Father—care,

    For brothers strong and sisters fair,

    For love at home and school each day,

    For guidance lest we go astray—

    Father in heaven, we thank thee!

    For thy dear, everlasting arms;

    That bear us o’er all ills and harms;

    For blessed words of long ago,

    That help us now thy will to know—

    Father in heaven, we thank thee!

    —Ralph Waldo Emerson


    Here’s one about the Pilgrim celebration of thankfulness:

    Pilgrim Hearts: A First Thanksgiving Poem

    A thankfulness was felt within
    The brave, unfaltering ones
    Who faced adversity’s battle
    Throughout 1621.

    The winter’s fierceness took its toll,
    And some did not survive.
    Their Pilgrim hearts were laid to rest,
    But their dreams remained alive.

    Through springtime hope and summer toil,
    Their anguish turned to joy.
    They watched their crops thrive with help from
    The tribe of Chief Massasoit.

    The harvest brought the evidence
    That God had truly blessed
    This little band of devoted souls
    Who had been put to the test.

    And so their weary minds were turned
    To thoughts of celebration.
    The guest list included newfound friends
    From the Wampanoag nation.

    Those everyday heroes give us much
    To reflect upon today.
    Our spirits soar with thankfulness
    On this Thanksgiving Day.

    (Reprinted by permission of the author – Beth Paul)

    That’s a good one Sue, I’m saving it!


    Thanks everyone.. you found ones I did not.  Now how to pick?


    Jack Prelutsky has a book of silly Thanksgiving poems.  Your library may have it.



    Every year, we enjoy reading the poems in this book:

    Merrily Comes Our Harvest In: Poems for Thanksgiving
    Selected by: Lee Bennett Hopkins

    The small volume has both serious ands silly Thanksgiving poems for children. Perhaps you can find it in your library.


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