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  • richpond

    Hey Doug or Sonya,

    I just sent Doug a PM and then I was curious about what “unsubscribe” meant off to the right of my screen so I pushed it and it erased the line that showed that I wrote Doug a PM..does that mean that it erased the message altogether. I want to know if I should write the PM over again. Thanks.


    Doug Smith

    Yeah, unsubscribe is a bit confusing. The PM plugin we use is moving toward allowing a group with more than two people to take part in a private conversation. A side effect is that you see your own PMs as being new. I believe they plan on eventually fixing that.

    So when you unsubscribe it doesn’t delete the PM. It just removes you from seeing it. In this case, I still got your message. I’ll reply there so we can make sure that it works.


    Hey Doug, I haven’t received a PM.

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