PLL + SW? Too much together for 3rd grade?

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  • erin.kate

    We are using PLL (second half now for third grade) and I’ve added Spelling Wisdom. I’m curious if this is too redundant. For instance, today my daughter’s PLL lesson was dictation but she also has a SW lesson for today. Sometimes I wonder if PLL is enough for copywork and dictation without adding anything additional at this point, but then I fear that she’s missing the breadth of words introduced in SW. 

    What has been your experience?


    How old is your child? We used the dictation in PLL and didn’t start SW/regular dictation until we began using ILL. It seemed to be enough.


    She is 8, will be 9 at Thanksgiving. I should probably wait until we start 4th grade with ILL next year to add SW. Hmm. 🙂 She’s a terrible speller so I was hoping to work on that with SW, but now it seems too much with the dictation already in PLL. 

    Rachel White

    I’ve used PLL + SW and ILL + SW for both of mine and never used the dictation in either-always just used SW.

    So, in answer to your question: yes, it’s too much if you do both, however, if you choose to skip the dictaton portions in PLL and ILL, then no it’s not too much for her.



    You know what, I just realized (slaps self upside head), I haven’t used SW with PLL but I’ve used a free online dictation book (old book, maybe Dictation Day by Day?) for dictation alongside PLL. I didn’t use this with three of my boys, but the younger boy needed some work in this area, and really enjoyed using it last year in addition to PLL. I often used the PLL dictation as copywork instead, as I found it to be longer and more advanced than my son was ready for at times.


    Thanks Rachel and Evergreen. I think I’ll use SW + PLL and on days we have dictation in PLL (and SW on the same day) I’ll drop the PLL dictation. I’ll let her lead the way in what’s too much. It’s only day 2 of our new school year so she’s very eager right now. lol.

    Rachel White

    Sounds like you know what you’re doing.Smile


    Well I’m glad it seems that way. 🙂 Everyday brings lots of learning for me especially.

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