Please pray for my father in law?

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  • art

    I just wanted to ask for as many prayers as we can get for my wonderful father in law. He had surgery today to relieve bleeding in the brain. He fell on the ice this winter and got a concussion, then fell again and I think a recent cold with a lot of coughing pushed him over the edge.

    He’s been a little down and unable to make himself do some household things this last few weeks, and we thought he was depressed. He has a slight tendency. Then this weekend, he started having motor skills trouble. He’s 79 and extremely healthy; so I’m hopeful that he’ll heal very nicely, but he needs prayers.

    After the surgery, we all went in to see him and he was so emotional and crying for joy to be alive I think. He was so grateful, and he knows that he is so blessed. He’s such an amazing person, and so loved.

    Thank you all so much,



    Of course. Prayers to heaven. My sister-in-law went through this last year. She had a lot of problems with this but did make a full recovery.


    Oh, poor man…praying for a full recovery and peace for him.  


    It’s hard to see them like this.  Praying for continued good health and a speedy recovery.


    Praying for your father-in-law.


    Prayers for him…hope he recovers soon…


    Thank you all so much for your prayers. He had a very rough night because of morphine, I think. They got him off that and today was so much better. My mother in law relies on him so much because she can’t see much (diabetes). It’s going to be a long recovery.

    Thanks again!


    I just got on here to see how he was doing.  Glad to hear how much he improved once off the morphine.  I can remember when my dd had a cleft palate related surgery and she was on morphine for three days.  She felt miserable.  Then we had one clever nurse, an answer to prayer, who found a way for her to swallow Tylenol with codeine; she got off the morphine and improved so much that she went home that day.  Strong stuff, morphine.  

    Your father-in-law sounds like a very sweet man…continuing to pray for his complete recovery.  


    Just read this & prayed for your father-in-law. Hope he continues to recover well & faster than expected.

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