Please pray for me!


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  • joannarammell

    We have looked forward to this for so long, yet we are unable to attend Family Camp this year. I am very sick.  I have been unable to eat food, for over three weeks now.  Lost 12 lbs the hard way! I’ve been to the ER, yet continue to be in much distress with my gallbladder.  Please keep us in your prayers.  I have some appts, Fri and Mon.  We hope we can get some help, soon.  We are approaching it from several modalities, yet so far, I’m weak and in pain.

    The children are VERY disappointed to not be able to go to Family Camp, however, it  wasn’t safe to leave me on my own.   It was a hard decision, but necessary.


    Thank you for your prayers,



    Oh bummer. Praying that you feel better soon! That has to be miserable.


    Prayign for you, for the right person/s to be able to be the hand of the Lord and that although it’s tough now that the children will understand as much as children can that mommy needs to be first right now.  Be strong, it’s hard to be the bad guy.  HUGS


    I don’t know what kind of gallbladder trouble you have, but I have some trouble too. My chiropractor gave me a little recipe to drink:

     1/2 cup water with a spoonful each of lemon juice and olive oil in it

    I have done this and gotten relief frequently. I also had someone I know do it and she said she passed a bunch of stones in her stool. 

    I always make the water warm tap water–it tastes better and doesn’t stick to your lips as much as cold water.

    Also, when I have pain, I feel like turning upside down. Like hanging off the side of the bed or getting on my elbows and knees with my head down. Just don’t do that right after drinking the lemon, oil water!

    I’m praying for you and hoping you get the help you need.


    Praying for healing, Joanna. Hope this will be resolved soon so you can be well.



    I am so sorry Joanna. I went through 2 months bedridden this year so I truly understand the pain and disappointment you are feeling. I understand the frustration of going to doctor after doctor and getting no answers, and watching my kids miss out on normal to help take care of their momma :-(. One thing that helped me was to remember that, even though we wouldn’t choose pain, God is still in control and still has good plans for us. He can use this experience to bring your children closer to him and to bring you closer as a family than you ever dreamed possible. Your kids are learning more about compassion and what it means to be a family than a week at family camp could ever teach them. Keep praying and hanging on to him. Sending prayers for healing out to you today.


    Please keep praying.

    I went to an appt yesterday that provided amazing relief in one area…but let me gasping for pain in another.

    Have started some meds for gall bladder.

    Managed to drink veggie water (water veggies cooked in) and ate some very cooked green beans.

    Eyes black all around.

    Feel and look terrible.

    GI appt Monday (was earliest I could get).


    As I lay or sit here…I can’t take care of the children so my husband is home doing it.  The house (and sometimes children 🙂 gets worse by the day…and I literally can’t fix it.  My husband rounded the corner after putting the kids to bed and I fell over laughing, he looked like he had gone through the wringer.  I couldn’t help my laughter, it was hilarious this shell shocked look on his face after a day with our children.  And then during my appt yesterday, he took them to the park.  When we got home, he collapsed and said that he was mentally exhausted.  My Oh, really?  probably wasn’t the most loving response.  The poor man was done in, by their antics.  He gave me a play by play recount and sat back expectantly.  I said well, Honey, looks like you had a typical day.  He did a double take and collapsed with, OH!

    He’s a trooper for getting up and doing it again today!


    Though I am unable to do much,  I can keep getting ready for our new school year a little here and there.  I worked on it some yesterday putting stickers on books (dd would bring them to me) and such, and my dh came by and said that I was plowing the field having faith that we would be able to do our schooling. He was glad.


    Sometimes it’s hard to see beyond this pain filled reality.

    But I am trying.


    And am remembering that my children, dh, and I are all in HIS HAND. 

    May His Will be done,




    Praying that you are better soon.

    I remember when expecting my 3rd child – the other two were ages 4 and 2. My husband gave me greif for not babysitting my grandson, also 4, when his mom needed a sitter – he was saying ‘one more isn’t a big deal’…

    Wel, I had my 3rd child, and a few days later was a truck show we had ticketsto. Day came and dh asked what I wanted to do…. and I said that I wanted him to take the 2 oldest to the show and I’d stay home with the baby and sleep when she did. He looked at me sheepishly, said ‘I know you do this all the time, but I don’t think I can…’ I looked at him and told him he could never again try to make me feel guilty when I felt I couldn’t babysit.

    He got their sister to babysit child 2, and took child 1 to the truck show….

    Anyway, I’m joining you with a chuckle for your poor dh….

    Don’t worry about the house or the kids – everyone will survive. Rest and get better.


    I wasn’t sure I would ever turn the corner.  But I made a rice water and veggie broth with a bunch of veggies/herbs good for digestive/liver function…beets, parsley, fennel, green onions, carrots, kale, celtic sea salt…etc.

    And I started drinking the red broth.  Felt good, soothing, etc.  Then this morning I drank it instead of the drink I have been existing on…and when I realized I wouldn’t have enough broth for the day, I took the whole bunch and squished it thoroughly in the vitamix and am drinking it. It is thick, and oh! it tastes GOOD.  Feel like I am kind of eating something for the first time in a MONTH!  YEAH!

    No problems so far.  I am so thankful.  Yesterday was so hard.  But I think I might make it now!

    Will update after appt. tomorrow.  
    Thank you for your support and prayers.



    Praying for you, Jo. Don’t forget the power of worship and praise. Even when you can do nothing else you can turn on worship and put Jesus on the throne of your heart. I hope and pray that you are healed and that your pain is gone forever!


    Have lost 15 lbs in one month. There is an upside to starving I guess!

    The doc is scheduling something called a HIDA scan. If my gallbladder is not functioning well the test could make me very sick. Something to suffer through, I’m told. They would then immediately schedule gallbladder removal surgery. If the new meds I’m taking get the functioning up to adequate I get to keep it. But, with my current pain level I don’t have much hope of that. We’ll see.

    I have made my peace with it. God’s will be done.

    In His Hand,



    Thank you for your prayers.


    I am going to Mesa (over 1 hr away) tomorrow at 8:45am for the test on my gallbladder.  It was Mesa in the morning or 2 or 3 wks out.  If the gallbladder is actually dysfunctional as suspected, the test is going to be very long and make me extremely ill.  Please keep us in your prayers.  Surgery is dependent on the test, meaning, if the gallbladder is no longer functioning –it depends on how far gone it is (what %) as to when (how soon) surgery will be scheduled. (Has been known to have to happen the same day as the test or a few days later.)


    If it is not the gallbladder, we will have to face the conundrum of what is going on and why I can’t eat solid food, have lost 16 lbs and am in constant severe pain.  As much as I would like to keep my organs, we would also like resolution to this issue, which ate the Month of September!


    Thank you,


    Praise the name of Jesus!



    Praying for you, Jo!


    Covering you in prayers!


    Praying for you

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