I just placed my order for Jasub and Egypt and Her Neighbors. Once I get the two commentaries it will cover all we need for the Gen-Deut module. I have the other books already. My problem is I am sitting with the two commentaries in my Amazon cart and lack just over $2 to get free shipping. I don’t want to jack up my purchase price too high, but I hate to pay for shipping when I could have something useful instead. Do you have any suggestion of a resource you enjoyed with your Egypt study that is not listed in the guide (I have those already)?
I like the coloring book too! But if it’s like the Greek one, it’s got a little nudity – I just put strategically placed stickers to cover up anything we felt was a little too much skin.
Thank you so much, Ladies!! You all have got me thinking.
My dd doesn’t like coloring books (she is weird!), however she does love to draw! I have been in search of the perfect (for us) art after becoming totally overwhelmed with Drawing With Children. Draw Wight Now has been suggested to me and it can double as an Egypt supplemental resource! It is a bit more than I want to spend, but being a 2/for/1 I can justify the cost. So thank you all for getting my gears turning!
I very much look forward to this Bible/history study and so does Dd!
I will often buy something like scotch tape or rubber cement. Those are things I would buy anyway and we are always running out of. I know it is not a specific resource for history but it is usefule for school. 🙂