Please help me finally do nature studies!

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum CM Specifics Science & Nature Study Please help me finally do nature studies!

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    In the fall, my children’s grades will be 12th (EEEEK!!!), 10th, 7th, 6th, and K.  We’ve never truly done a bona fide nature study notebook.  We’ve done CLP nature readers, read a few living science books and done some sketching here and there, but I don’t want their education to pass by without doing nature studies well.  Science is not my thing, so it is the first thing to fall away on busy days unless they have Abeka science books.  So science is the final frontier for me to do in a CM way.  

    My oldest is doing College Prep (College Plus’ dual enrollment) so she’ll be busy with that; 10th will be doing the DVD Biology 101 (oldest did Chemistry 101 this year and we really liked it).  I’m mainly thinking of the 7th, 6th and K.  Do you think that 106 Days of Creation is too young for them?  I picked up Considering God’s Creation used this weekend and the oldest of those three commented that it looked a little young for her.  

    If I don’t do this program for them, can anyone suggest some solid ideas for help with nature notebooking with middle school children?  I do have Anna Comstock’s book, lots of field guides, Usborne animal books, etc.  I feel that I do need some sort of plan for this, because I know myself well enough to say that it just won’t get done if I wing it.  Thanks!~~~Lisa


    Just added Hours in the Outdoors to my cart!  🙂

    Participant just came out with a set of nature study pages to use for notebooking. Which can be done in any depth and accommodate any grade level. I have not looked at them yet but plan to check it out soon, I have a a treasury membership. It also helps to have good field guides and resources on hand to research bunny trails on. So really, all you would need is to get outdoors with your notebook and or sketchbook and rock it.

    Another thought, you may be surprised (and your daughter too) how rich 106 Days and CGC can be! I sold mine last year with the pile of resources I hunted down for it. it is wonderful. So much so, that last week I asked the mama if I could buy it back to save for my youngers. I had regretted selling it and am stoked to be getting it back. For my older child, when we did it, I expected more writing from her and got her to seek out more go along books to read at library visits.

    I got them real sketch books, good art pencils, and it was just for nature study. That helped nurture the special appreciation for what we were doing.

    Getting out there and just observing and sketching is the catalyst for craving nature study. It is such an amazing way to absorb God’s creation and be wooed by a masterpiece set there just for you to live in.

    I really hope Sonya writes a second instalment of the 106 days, like an intermediate level. It would be great for us to follow up with or for those just getting to know Charlotte’s methods in their home school later in the game.

    Also, you children are old enough to handle the challenge of research on their own in the older end books of Queen Homeschool’s Discovering Nature Series. They use lovely living books as their roots but it is up to the student to dig up the learning from resources.

    Just some thoughts… I encourage you to find your way in this and make it a prayerful inquiry. Nature study is so replenishing for the mind and the soul in my experience. Go on, get your toes wet.


    Thank you so much, cedargirl, for your encouraging post!  I am thinking the same thing about going ahead and getting the 106 Days.  We have always loved all of the resources we have gotten so far from SCM.  

    Actually, Sandi Queen is speaking at SEARCH of PA in a few weeks and I think I am thinking of going.  I’ve used many of her products over the years, have met her, but haven’t heard her speak at a conference yet.  

    Can you possibly provide a list of your favorite titles that you used with 106 Days?

    Thanks again!~~~Lisa


    Would love to! I pick it up tomorrow so I will look through it and do that for you tomorrow night.

    Edited to add, listening to speakers is so encouraging. I hope you go! I just did the All Day CM Seminar and it really helped me get back focused on what I want for our home school atmosphere and goals. I think it will be something I watch every year before sitting down to plan.


    Hee, hee…I’m listening to Sonya right now!  Wink  Thanks in advance for the list!  It would be great if I could find some of the resources at the next conference in June.  


    So, she forgot to bring me the kit today, but I realized I can see the resource list from the sample. First thing I did when I was planning was to see what our local library had or could bring in. Then I set to finding things online and at used book shops.

    William Steig’s Yellow and Pink book was BRILLIANT. I got that from the library but will certainly buy one if I ever come across one at a shop. They are super steep online.

    We did get CGC student books for each.

    I purchaced the Moody Science DVDs and my children love them. Which, I was not sure they wood considering how old school they are. But could not find God’s Earth Team.

    Got the Thorton Burgess books free from Kobo

    Hmmmmm… I will have to come back and add to this wheI have the kit in hand. I need to browse the books to remember our faves. Eek, how is that for poor memory. BB to finish answering as soon as I get the resources back, sorry!


    We are going back to 106 Days, as well, this year (we just started last week).  Love it!  We did it a few years back, but since my younger set were younger, they didn’t do what is suggested for the older students.  My middle ds will be doing that portion this year like his older sibling did several years ago.  I’m super excited to reread the books, especially to my youngest.  My middle ds will enjoy rereading them because I know he will get something out of them that he didn’t get first time around.  Plus, we need all the nature study hand-holding we can get. 

    Question: is the Queen’s set good for high school? Like, student directed?




    I don’t have experience with her high school level books in the discovering nature series but the series itself is written so a child can do the reading and research independantly if they are at that reading and writing stage. We So I would guess that the high school levels are as such. You should email Sandi Queen and ask her your Q’s. I liked that it was set up to use living books as the resources for drawing your material to add to the student book from. And like 106 Days, they end up with a science book of their own to keep.


    Yes, I’ll check the resource list and begin the hunt.  I’ve downloaded all the free Burghess books onto my Kindle and I have two CGS student workbooks.  My library has Yellow and Pink, so I’ll check the rest of the list.  

    Thanks again!

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