I would like to ask for prayer covering tomorrow. As many of you know, we’ve been in a really difficult situation for the last two years. my husband works for my dad (was brought into the business and trained by him), and the business has just become a sinking ship. we’ve lost our home, our savings, our financial security, our credit….and now we live with my parents. but it’s not working, everyone is stressed and it is really taking a huge toll on our kids. we have been given the opportunity to go back to house we just moved from 7 mos ago, which belongs to my DH’s family. my DH has, totally through God’s hand, gotten a new job with a colleague of my husband and father (ugh). it will be significantly more lucrative and offers future training and career advancement, and is only 10 minutes from that other house. If we live at this house, we’ll be able to save significant amount of money. So we’ve decided to move back and take the job, which means leaving my family’s house and the family business.
tomorrow is the day we tell my parents. then we will try to move out within a week and a half (AAAAGHGHGHG!!!)
please, please, please pray for an annointing of the Spirit, for grace to abound in all our hearts, for pride to be stompled under Jesus’s feet, for understanding, open hearts and kindness. Please pray against hurt and bitterness. My knowledge of my parents (as their only child), tells me this will not go so well, and that it has the potential to get ugly. nevertheless, it is our ultimate responsibility to provide for and protect our children. And we can’t do that so well now. Plus, we’ll never get out from under my parents while DH works for my dad. i am sickish with dread about the conversation. please pray.
Amy, I will be praying for you tonight and tomorrow – you are of course doing the right thing for your family, but you own family may as you say not see it that way. Be strong and keep calm, if it gets ugly take some time out for a while away from the situation. Pray and pray, and hopefully this will in the end be a total blessing and your own family will come around. God is good and faithful, He will not let you down – though at the time it may seem as if He is a long way off. I will pray for your parents too who will likely feel abandened and hurt, some understanding of that will also be important. You have a sweet and loving heart, it will be ok. Good luck, prayers and hugs to you all. Linda