Planning your week

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  • Sara B.

    I am trying to plan my weeks (based on Sonya’s planning articles), and I am curious, if I have some weeks with only 2 or 3 days in it, or with random days off in the middle of the week, will that throw off my numbers when I am trying to figure out how many times a week to do each subject?  In the example, it says to divide your total chapters by the number of weeks.  So if I have 12 weeks, and 36 chapters, I’d have to do that subject 3 times a week.

    But if 1 week is 5 days, Week 2 is 4 days, Week 7 is 3 days, etc, will that throw off that number?

    Sonya Shafer

    Yes, that could throw off your numbers. Are you thinking that you will have a Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four, and Day Five schedule, then cycle through them in turns no matter which day of the week it is? That plan of attack might prevent always doing, say, Monday’s resources but rarely getting around to Friday’s.

    Sara B.

    Oh, thank you, Sonya, I forgot I had read that somewhere in all my notes.  Thanks!

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