Planning your CM Education or Organizer????

Welcome to Simply Charlotte Mason Discussion Forum Planning Your CM Education CM Organizer Planning your CM Education or Organizer????

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  • skoolin5

    I am new to this site and to Charlotte Mason. So I have lots of questions, some I see posted and they have been so helpful. I was just wondering what the difference is between the online organizer and the Planning Your CM book was? The book looks Great but I am having trouble understanding the online organizer. Maybe its just me, I tend to lean towards the writing in concept.

    Also which would be better for my highschoolers which are new to CM aprouch?

    I will need more advice as I go along.

    Thank You, Jodi

    Sonya Shafer

    Hi, Jodi. Great questions! The Planning Your CM Ed book walks you through the five steps I use to figure out what to study, what resources to use, and how to put them all together to fit your family best. It’s a how to plan from the big picture down to a daily schedule. What it doesn’t do is track your progress through the year of study. That’s where the CM Organizer comes in.

    The CM Organizer is an online service designed to help you track your progress as you work your way through the resources you’ve selected. It’s much more flexible than a paper record-keeping system because it will “roll” any unfinished assignments to the next day automatically. You don’t have to erase and re-write what you plan to do each day. Then you can have it create reports of all your work any time so you can see at a glance what you’ve accomplished.

    The Planning Your CM Ed book is for you, the parent, to plan the year’s worth of study. The CM Organizer is for either you or your children to check off their work as they go through that year of study. Does that make sense?


    Thank You so much… Yes it does. I will look at the Online Organizer some more. These both sound so helpful.

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